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She was gone...Eleanor Carter...the girl I fell for was gone...she made her last sacrifice for me and it was with her life. Bucky's eyes were glossy with pain while we stared at the dark cliff side not knowing how far of a drop it was but we both knew no one could survive that fall. Schmidt's fate was unknown because he shared the similar abilities I had so it was unknown if he could survive the fall but I prayed that he didn't.

            "We have to get out of here before the others blow the factory." I mumbled moving away from the window before seeing Bucky still looking out the window hoping for any sign of Ellie. "Buck...she would want us to finish this mission..."

            "I know

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            "I know...let's go." He sniffled before limping by my side as we rushed out of the facility with explosions starting to rain out in the building. Dum Dum must've pressed the trigger thinking that we were either out or dead so the factory started to crumble around us. Taking Bucky under my arm and charged at the closet window the moment an explosion hit behind us, we flew into the air until I used the shield to break our fall to the snow ground below. The whole facility fell down the same crater that Schmidt and Ellie fell as we made our way to the evac area seeing some more prisoners and our men waiting.

            "They are alright...guys Cap and Sarge are here." Dum Dum announced until he noticed it was just me and Bucky coming towards him but no Ellie. He looked behind us thinking she was behind us but she never appeared. "Where is Agent Carter?"

            "She finished her mission...let's get back to base." I answered quietly though he knew what I meant as I entered the one truck and sat down. Bucky and the rest joined me soon after, while the trip back I pressed both of my hands to my forehead as I tried to figure out what I was going to tell Peggy. The sounds of soft sniffles caught my ears as I looked up seeing my best friend trying to hide his tears as he watched the flames and black smoke disappear in the distance. About an hour later we were rolling into our camp and everyone who was still silent exited without a word to anyone who came towards us. I got off the vehicle scanning the crowd until my heart shattered when I saw Peggy, Colonel Phillips and Howard make their way towards us. Peggy and I locked eyes as she saw the pain my eyes then she scanned the group behind me for her sister. I took a few steps towards her, I saw tears starting to form and her head was shaking no at me as she pleaded that it wasn't true. "I'm so sorry Peggy..." Without another word she engulfed me with hug as I held her close to me. Her tears pounded onto my shoulder while I stared blankly at Colonel Phillips and Howard who were taking in the news. Colonel Phillips moved past us calling attention to the soldiers who were silent and they came in close to hear what he had to say.

 Colonel Phillips moved past us calling attention to the soldiers who were silent and they came in close to hear what he had to say

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"The Howling Commandos have successfully completed their mission but at a cost of one of our own. Tonight we will honor our fallen warrior Agent Eleanor Carter at the tavern." Colonel Phillips announced everyone replied with a yes sir as I broke away from Peggy so Howard could comfort her and I moved away ignoring Colonel Phillips' calls until I entered my tent. Taking my helmet I ripped it from my head and threw it against the wall seeing an indent form from my strength. Dropping the shield at my feet I collapsed to the floor taking either side of my head and felt the tears fall down my face. The tears pounded down my face as I remembered watching Ellie break the window and fall to the dip below. Rushing to try to save her and I wasn't able to, I watched the white uniform disappear into the darkness and I was helpless to do anything. She was gone...I will never be able to apologize to her and the guilt from yesterday just crashed down onto me again. I lost her...I lost the girl who changed my life forever...A few hours later we were all sitting in the tavern in our uniform staring at Ellie's picture that sat on the bar looking back at us. My eyes never left the picture...even with everyone else around me was trying to apologize to me for our loss. This just reminded me of the day I lost my mother...that pain was the only thing I felt right now and the only one who knew how I felt was Bucky. He was standing across the room also staring at the picture, his fingers were rubbing the beer bottle and with a mixture of anger and sadness in his face. Bucky told me before the mission that Ellie and he left the bar that day so she could vent out her anger towards me. He was trying to be a friend to her but the look he had right now sort of told me that this loss hit him more than he expected. Peggy had to notify her family so she decided not to come tonight but I knew the real reason was because she didn't want anyone to see her cry. Howard decided it was the best thing to do and to stay with her in order to comfort her. After the last of the apologies Colonel Phillips ordered the whole tavern to give a moment of silence to Ellie.  After that everyone continued to stay silent as they stared at the picture of the young girl who gave her life to stop Johann Schmidt. That is when I saw Bucky stand up moving to the picture catching all of our attention.

"We succeeded with destroying the last factory and we crippled Hydra's forces but we also lost one of our own

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"We succeeded with destroying the last factory and we crippled Hydra's forces but we also lost one of our own. We lost a brave and strong woman who sacrificed her life to bring Johann Schmidt to his death. She will be remembered...she will be honored like any other soldier and in her name we will finish this battle taking down every last member of Hydra. Tonight we will drink in Agent Eleanor Carter's memory and tomorrow we will finish this." Bucky announced raising his beer to Ellie and everyone else raised there drinks in her honor cheering in agreement. After everyone toast I took my drink and downed it even though I knew it wouldn't affect me I still needed it. Once I did I thought I could hear Ellie's voice again 'I'm with you Steve...until my last breath.' She was with me...she was with me and I lost her forever...she did fight with me and it was until her last breath.

she did fight with me and it was until her last breath

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~~Go Bucky with the inspirational speech. I feel so bad for this guys but it had to be done to make Captain America become the hero he is.~~

MY LAST BREATH (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes FanFic) A Captain America FanFic (1)Where stories live. Discover now