Hey! I'm Fresh!

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I stood under a tree in the morning air, waiting for the school bus. The maple threes swung in the chilling wind, and I continued to zone out of reality.

"what if they hate me? will I get beaten up everyday?"

"Will I do bad on my subjects, will the teachers give up on me too?"

"What clubs should I join? I could choir, but they might hate my voice" 

The screech of the Bus broke me out of my thoughts. I took a deep breath of the cold air and walked inside. The chaos hurt my head, I started walking to the back, but I guess I tripped on a jock's foot or something and tumbled into a seat. I decided to take my seat and settled down there. I looked out the window and observed the scenery. Then something soft hits my head.

I Look over, interrupted from my thoughts. It was a paper ball, I unwrap it with the note "You're a-" I crumbled it up again and left it where I found it. I go back to staring at the window when being interrupted by another paper ball. I give a scowl to the jocks in the back and they respond with a smirk and throw another paper ball at me. 


Another jock started to tear a page out of his notebook,but someone spoke up before me. A voice from behind my seat arose.

"Hey! just leave her alone"

It was some shorter skeleton, he had some slick glasses, and a very colorful outfit. I didn't pay much attention to what he looked like at the moment

"Oh really, what if we don't"

"Please just stop. No one wants it"

The jocks became quiet after that, but I could hear them murmuring. I went back to staring at the window, and the kid probably went back in his seat


I get broken from thoughts once more by a jerk from the bus. The students slowly climb out, and I being claustrophobic, wait to be the last one, or be one of the last. After most of the students scattered down, I started getting up and moving down when I hear the startling voice of 

"Hey Nerd! Move it! or we'll make you move!"

Panicked a bit I ran down the stairs and tripped on something. I hit the pavement with a thud and closed my eyes as I heard the giggles around me now. I slowly sat up and picked up my books that spilled out of my bag and scan the ground for my glasses. 

"H-hey! you alright?"

I look up, my vision still a little blurry. A smile from a person is returned

"My name's fresh! nice to meet you"



YaY creativity. 

m'kay I'll update it again tomorrow or something idk

adorkable love~ Nerd!reader x Nerd!freshWhere stories live. Discover now