Naomi winters
Personality: she's upbeat and overconfident, she loves to entertain others which is why she's a contest trainer she stays with her parents in hearthome city most of the time
Team: purloin, eevee, buneary
Dream: to become the sinnoh contest champion
Age: 10
Home region: sinnohLeena Reyes
Personality: she's serious but still upbeat, she's has issues with her confidence but still continues to try her hardest in the contests she enters despite the fact that she rarely wins
Team: swailow, treeko, scatterbug
Age: 11
Dream: to become the hoenn contest champion
Home region: hoennGregory black
Personality: a skilled contest trainer, he is cocky and often arrogant, he doesn't like many people and he isn't very well liked though he does win fairly often
Team: eevee, eevee, eevee
Dream: to become the musia contest champion
Age: 12