Vocaloid In Disguise

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Kaito's POV

It was just a normal day like any other. Everyone was doing their own thing, either practicing their songs or slacking off. It was also hot today so I decided to go out and buy ice cream for myself and I know the best place to get ice cream! The last time I was there I was running away from my fans and I didn't get to enjoy my ice cream! Well the others scolded me for going out in the open especially Gakupo, Luka, and Meiko. They kept saying that I was one of the oldest vocaloids and I should be more responsible. They are right but when it comes to ice cream I can get really excited. So I decided to go out until Gakupo caught me. "Where do you think your going Kaito?" "O-oh uhh to the ice cream shop...?" My friend gave me an 'are you serious look' and sighed "You can't go out wearing that! You need a disguise!" "But what disguise?" Gakupo immediately dragged me to my room to help me find a disguise. It took a while to finally find one but now I was ready to go to that ice cream shop without any fans chasing me.

Reader's POV

It was just a boring normal day for me. I was supposed to meet up with a friend of mine but then something came up that she couldn't come. So I decided to go to an ice cream shop I used to go to when I was a little girl, and coming to think of it I heard that one of the vocaloids, Kaito, was there to buy ice cream but then he was chased by his fans. I guess being famous is hard and it's a pity if his ice cream melted while he was running away. Well I do love ice cream since I was little, and of course I'll be upset if it melted or fell to the floor. As I was lost in thought with which ice cream I'll buy, I accidentally bumped into someone.

Kaito's POV

As I was about to leave the ice cream shop to indulge in my ice cream, I accidentally bumped into a (h/c) haired girl. "I'm so sorry!" She immediately apologized "Oh no, your ice cream! I'll go buy you a new one!" "Its alright you don't need to" it's sad the ice cream fell but I didn't want this girl to buy me a new one. "I insist and you can chose which flavour" the girl gave me a closed eye smile which made me blush a little, why was that? I decided not to mind it and go with the girl so I can choose the ice cream flavour. "Hello! Which ice cream flavour do you want?" The cashier asked us with enthusiasm. "(Ice cream flavour), please!" The (h/c) haired girl and I said it together and also by coincidence the same ice cream flavour.

Reader's POV

We both wanted the same ice cream and we said it together. Maybe he also likes that flavour too. Anyway, I payed the cashier and I thought I saw her wink at us both, probably just my imagination. I got my change and the boy took the ice cream from the cashier. "Is (ice cream flavour) your favourite?" I asked the boy "It is! Well it has always been!" He said with such enthusiasm, like a little kid who got what they wanted for their birthday. "Oh, if you don't mind, what's your name?" This boy suddenly asked my name, why? I just bought him ice cream to replace the last one nothing else. Well I guess it'd be rude not to answer him. "It's (y/n)...why do you ask?" "Oh well it'd be rude to not know the name of the person who bought me ice cream and who likes the exact same ice cream flavour as me. Are you busy right now or something?" "Why?" "I just wanted to talk I guess besides it looks really hot outside" I really got nothing else to do anyway so maybe I'll stay "Sure I'd love to!"

Kaito's POV

(Y/n) and I have been chatting for a long time, we both noticed it's getting dark so we decided to leave. "This was a great way to waste time don't you think?" I asked while we were leaving the ice cream shop "Yea it was, well I better go now my parents might be worried if I don't come home soon" "Okay well...see you around?" "Yup! See you around!" As I was about to walk away (y/n) called me again. "Wait! You didn't give me your name" there were no people around so I removed my disguise and replied to (y/n) with a closed eyed smile "It's Kaito" I left without saying a word and went back to the vocaloid mansion. When I opened the door I was greeted by an angry Meiko. "KAITOOO!!!!!" She tackled me to the floor and it did hurt. Luka came in and tried to remove Meiko from me. "Where were you!? When Gakupo told us you went to the ice cream shop in a disguise we were worried someone found out it was you" "No one found out, I was just talking to someone she also likes the same ice cream flavour as me" Rin suddenly pops out of nowhere and asks me a lot of questions "What's her name? Is she a fan? Does she like oranges? Who's her favourite vocaloid?" "Rin slow down, her name is (y/n) and yes she's a fan, she likes oranges, and she never told me who her favourite vocaloid is" I really wonder why she likes to ask all these questions, Len is really different from her. "So Kaito, does she like bananas?" I mentally facepalm and I take it back he's only a bit different from Rin. "Yes, she likes bananas" "Anyway dinner is almost finished, I'll go help Miku" Luka leaves and drags Meiko before she can drink her sake "Me too!" Rin runs ahead of them, she's really energetic. Now it was just me, Gakupo, and Len. "Maybe you should invite her to the concert that's coming up" Gakupo suggested "How is he going to do it? It's not like she's always in the ice cream shop, and Kaito doesn't know where she lives!" "Actually (y/n) said she goes to the ice cream shop during weekends. I could place the ticket in an envelope and give it to the cashier so when (y/n) goes back she can get it!" "Smart! So when will you give it?" Gakupo asked as he gave a smirk "I could give it tomorrow" Gakupo placed his arm on my shoulder "That's the spirit Kaito!" Len gave a small sigh "At least he's enthusiastic about this...what could go wrong?"

Reader's POV

I still can't get over what happened yesterday. I met Kaito! As in one of the vocaloids! I still can't believe it as I was lost in my thoughts I didn't know my friend and I reached the ice cream shop. My friend wanted to make it up to me from yesterday so we decided to spend some time together and I'm planning to tell her about yesterday. "(Y/n)?" I heard a familiar voice and I saw it was Kaito. He was here with two other boys possibly Len and Gakupo. "What are you doing here? Someone might know it's you!" I immediately said, "But you didn't know it was me before I told you right?" He let out a small chuckle as he gave me an envelope "I hope you can come" he gave one last smile and left with the two other boys. "Who was that (y/n)-chan!?" I forgot that my friend was with me so I decided to explain everything. "I can't believe you! You met Kaito! One of the vocaloids! Why didn't you ask for an autograph or a photo!?" She kept ranting how lucky I was that I met Kaito. "I was left dumbfounded okay? Besides I didn't want to trouble him for it" she just gave me a small sigh and looks at the envelope "What do you think is inside it?" "Not sure, I'll open it when I get back home." As I went back home, I immediately opened the envelope, to my surprise I found a ticket to their concert that's coming in a few months and I can also go meet him backstage.

Kaito's POV

It's finally time for the concert. Everyone seems excited to sing the songs that've been working on, as for me, I was excited to see (y/n). I was trying to look for her behind the curtain but there were so many people I can't find where she is. "Kaito the concert will start in a few minutes! Go wear you outfit now!" Miku enthusiastically said and left to tell the others. I followed what she said and patiently waited for my time to perform. It was finally my turn Len gave me a high five for good luck as he went back stage to change. I went up the stage to greet my fans and started to sing. As I sang I looked around to see (y/n), it took me a while to know she was in the first row with all the lights shining in front of my face. After the concert was over fans were in the backstage it was really crowded. I was hoping to find (y/n) but I didn't see her. Where could she be?

Reader's POV

This place is really crowded and I can't even spot the entrance to the back stage anymore because of all the people. I really wonder how they manage to put up an amazing performance and meet all their fans after without them looking tired. If I was one of them I'd already be tired. I try to go to the front so I can see Kaito but with all the pushing and bumping into people I didn't realize that I was standing right in front of Kaito. "Hey...Kaito...didn't expect to bump into you immediately ahaha..." suddenly Kaito dragged me somewhere. It looked like his dressing room. "(Y/n) I'm really glad you came I was worried you didn't come." Kaito suddenly hugged me. Is this real!? The vocaloid Kaito is hugging me!?

Kaito's POV

"(Y/n) I actually want to get to know you. So can we start as friends?" "Yes!" I was really happy to have a friend other than the vocaloids it's really hard to have one since an idol makes me busy a lot and we have a lot of tours it makes sense that I can really make friends. I noticed Len and Gakupo giving me a thumbs up and they left. I guess being in a disguise and going to the ice cream shop wasn't a bad idea.

Vocaloid In Disguise KaitoxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now