Chapter 2

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Scarlett was in the woods, after the meeting she needed to leave and catch her breath. It was still cold out and morning fog covered the bottom of the ground, making it difficult to see where she was walking. But Scarlett treaded on, goose-bumps on her legs from the cold and she brought her hands closer to her body, hugging herself and walking deeper.

She usually didn’t like the woods, the overwhelming amount of senses and sounds overpowered her delicate nose and ears but today, despite the cold, Scarlett enjoyed it. Being away from the house made her able to think clearly of what was going to happen now.

She was going to hunt down a witch. A witch where there were no reports of someone actually having contact with. A witch where no one knew where she lived. A witch who might not even help her and still Scarlett was going after her. She knew that it was a wild goose chase but it was the only thing that Scarlett felt would be able to help her.

Help her remember. Help her control the beast inside of her. Beasts. But then Scarlett frowned, the wolf at least didn’t need controlling. The wolf was sweet, kind and protecting over Scarlett but the other thing. The sinister darker power resting inside wasn’t. All it wanted was to kill. Kill and hurt. She remembered the first time she had an episode with it.

It was around two weeks ago, her family had dropped by to visit and as always Luke got into a pissing fight with her brother Jared. It was normal for them, she found out after all of her family’s visits so she was okay with it by then but that darkness inside of her awakened and took control.

The first thing she remembered was being dizzy, feeling her head swirl as her wolf tried fighting the darkness. Then she remembered feeling powerful, she remembered the rush of exhilaration when she didn’t feel like a lost girl anymore. Like she knew exactly what she wanted to do and for a second, she had believed that her memory finally came back since she had this powerful new personality that everyone had been talking about.

But it was evil. She did a horrible thing to her own brother. She walked up to him, pretending to smile sweetly at him so that none of the dirty wolves knew what she was up to and then she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. She could see her blood red eyes reflected in his confused gaze and she remembered enjoying it. She enjoyed the smell of panic that floated off of his pores and it only urged the beast on.

She remembered tightening her grip but worse, remembered seeing her fingers grow into filthy yellow claws, not at all like her wolf. Instead of being disgusted by her claws, she liked them. Liked them enough to sink them deep into his back, feeling the skin break oh so easily under her sharp nails and feeling as much as smelling the blood cloak her claws. His cries and his struggling only had urged her on at that point.

Then she remembered feeling more. More powerful. More angry. More. She wanted more. More blood. More. More. More. The word had kept repeating in her head, the voice wasn’t her own and yet it was; it was just deeper, throaty and horrifying.

She could feel energy go down her free arm and when she raised it to Jared’s face, it was covered in a black and red mist of some sorts. She had been comforted by seeing that, knowing from somewhere that now- all she needed to do was touch him and he’d be gone. The annoying bastard would be gone from her home.

Thankfully she had never touched him. Someone, she soon found out it had been Dominic knocked her out cold by hitting her on the head. When she awoke, she instantly fled the house. Ashamed of what she had done to her own brother only to be followed by him. Scarlett cried to Jared, told him that she didn’t know what had gotten into her and that she was so very sorry. He had forgiven her but she had never been able to forgive herself.

It had happen two times more after that, one time being with Dominic and all three times, Scarlett had felt like a different person. All three times she woke up feeling so ashamed of that being but everyone had always understood. But that just made her guiltier.

Thinking of that being (to which Dominic had explained might be a demon. Dominic said  that since she had gotten marked by Vincent when she was young, that the mark created a being that started to intensified and evolve into a form as Vincent started showing up in her life and when she was captured by Vincent, it only got worse. Dominic also asked if she had been fed demon blood to which he said would quicken the change) made Scarlett’s thoughts of it being pointless to look for this witch disappear. Scarlett would find this woman. She’d not stop looking until she had the woman in her hands and agreeing to help her. Scarlett would make the impossible possible and find her. Because she needed her memories. She needed them; hopefully those memories would be able to let her control the demon. If not, then Scarlett wouldn’t know what to do with it. All she knew was that she couldn’t live with hurting someone else.

Scarlett walked to a tree, it was large and somehow her feet stopped in front of this particular tree. She didn’t know why but she felt calmness wash over her body and she decided to sit. Scarlett slid down to her knees and sat, scooting closer to the base of the tree and resting her head against its bark. She felt warm here and happy, all the negativity and darkness seemed to evaporated and for once Scarlett found herself truly and completely relaxing.

She wondered briefly if this was a magic tree, it sounded ridiculous but she learned that nothing was as it seemed. Even so, she didn’t dwell on that fact. She just closed her eyes and enjoyed this spot even more when the sun drifted up to the sky and cut through the branches and leaves to set on her.

She gazed up at the dark green leaves and stared at the golden pink sky and thought about the kids. They should be in the cars by now, taken to school. Scarlett sighed, she knew that Lyra and Leona would be angry at her for not saying goodbye but Scarlett couldn’t bring it in herself to get up and see if she could catch them before they went off to school.

Scarlett brought her knees up to her chest and cuddled into the bark of the tree, getting comfortable. Her wolf, which was always there and welcomed by Scarlett also liked this spot and she settled down, closing her eyes and after a few moments of Scarlett watching her from her mind-which used to freak her out in the beginning- made Scarlett want to sleep as well.


When she came to, there was a blanket around her. It was thick and where she had been slightly warm before, she was now toasty warm. Scarlett looked around, wanting to see who left this for her and wanting to know how they even found her but she found that she didn’t need to even look.

Somehow only one face popped into her mind: Dominic.

Her wolf made a sound that could only be described as a purr and Scarlett felt herself smiling as well. Then she brought the cover up to her neck and took a deep breath. It smelled like him, like the forest and mint. It made Scarlett blush but she kept taking deep breaths, wanting to feel his scent surround her.

Scarlett felt instantly better and decided that it was time for her to go back home. She got up, wrapped his cover all around her and slowly made her way back. A nonstop smile and blush covering her face all the way home. 

((Well, how was it?! Please Comment your thoughts and vote! <3 I love reading everyone's comments!

Also if you look to the side, that picture was made by @xox_xoxInspireso if you like her work, then dont hesitate to ask for a cover!))

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