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"hey yoongi, what's your poison?" namjoon asked as he approached the stairs of the basement.

"my what?" yoongi asked, ultimately confused by the question. he was currently sitting indian style in a circle full of mostly strangers.

"i got him," jimin smiled as he poured him a beverage. "drink up, sexy" he smirked and he handed yoongi the drink and ran his free hand on his thigh. he chose to sit by yoongi in the circle.

"what's this?" the raven's tone came out shaky.

"chill, it's just a little bit of alcohol" one of the random members spat at him.

"anyway let's start, who wants to go first?" namjoon, who seemed to be the leader of all of this mess, began the game. "our loyal little jiminie?"

"of course i do!" jimin started searching for his first victim. "seokjin, truth or dare?"

"hm?" seokjin, this pretty handsome looking guy, contemplated. "truth"

jimin sat up onto his knees, fully prepared on what to ask seokjin. "please enlighten us, you are absolutely not so secretly in love with kim namjoon, am i wrong?" he gave a devilish smile as his eyes flickered between the two.

"i'm not!" seokjin blushed with absolute embarrassment from jimin's bluntness. namjoon looked down at his lap with a small smile stretching across his face and his head lightly shaking back and forth.

the game continued to run smoothly if you want to say that. all until the spotlight was on jimin.

"do i even have to ask you truth or dare, jiminie?" namjoon looked jimin dead in the eye. jimin shook his head no while giggling slightly, blame it on the alcohol and his personality.

"okay then, i dare you, jiminie, to give our mr. min yoongi over there a signature park jimin lap dance." namjoon let out blunt as can be.

jimin shrugged and stood up, dusting himself off. he strolled to be in front of yoongi and offered his hand to the nervous male, totally disregarding his terrified expression.

"take a seat, handsome." jimin said as his small hands pushed at yoongi's chest, sending him back into the chair.

his hands rested on the raven's shoulders as he straddled him. no time was wasted as yoongi felt jimin's hips start rolling. gay panic and high arousal was never a combination that yoongi thought would occur but damn, was he living it.

"you're allowed to touch me." he giggled in his ear as jimin led one of yoongi's hands to trail down his chest and his other to his ass. jimin was freaky and no shame was present as he was grinding desperately on yoongi's shameful hard on.

"mhm someone's hard." he spoke with loads of seduction. jimin flipped around, ass continuing to dance and grind on his new friend. yoongi's hands immediately felt up his ass, massaging it in his palms.

yoongi's mind was hazy, he was turned on and all he wanted was park jimin. he pulled yoongi right into his trap and the older would be lying if he said he wanted out of it. in that moment, yoongi wanted the adventure that was park jimin.

the sensual boy turned himself around for the last time, his devilish smile directly in front of the raven. jimin was up to something.

jimin placed his small hand on the older's dick outside of the fabric and massaged lightly. unfortunately for yoongi, it was over as soon as it started. park jimin... the tease.

a laugh emitted from under his breath and pecked the catlike male's lips quickly. the crowd hooted and hollered for the heated pair.

jimin leaned in and ever so slightly whispered, "you might wanna take care of your little friend" and gestured his eyes down.

he crawled off of him and returned to his spot in the circle, the blur of the night dawning on yoongi all because of a simple lap dance.

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