Author's Note

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Hello everybody! Billyblobfish here. This is a new book called Oppression. This is my first time writing an LGBTQ+ book, so this may be crappy, but please do give me constructive criticism. Here is the summary:

"I'm gay, and I don't care. Sexual orientation shouldn't matter in this world! What matters is that we're human."

In a world where LGBTQ+ people are oppressed, a girl and boy work together to end the oppression, and they form an army to fight against the government and finally get their freedom to be who they are. Once and for all.

This is dedicated to everyone in the world, and everyone should understand that sexual orientation doesn't matter in this world. What does matter is that everyone has freedom to express who they are, and how they do it doesn't matter. And who they are shouldn't bother you. Straight or not. 

Embrace yourselves, don't change yourselves.

So that's that. How do you like it?

I also have a question for my cover: Which one? (Copy and Paste this link into another tab and then write 1 or 2 + additional comments to tell which one you like!)

I know I used another book cover but this is all I have right now. If you could, can you please make a book cover? I would really appreciate it! :) 

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