Chapter 3

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Ava POV .

What should i say.I cant just tell him my father abused me. I tell him it was an accident. I didn't realize my make-up had come of.shit i should have reapplyed it.

"Im waiting" Damion said.

"I fell that's all it was an accident. Me and my friends were messing around.Nothing to worry about." I said smiling at him hoping he would just drop it.

I turned around to go into the kitchen and i saw that damion had got up and was following me into the kitchen. As i turned around to tell him the kitchen was off limits to customers he slammed me against the fridge.

Now i was terrified so i didn't move or breathe. " Look sweetheart I dont want you to lie to me okay When i ask you a question I want you to answer me truthfully you hear me." He said I looked at him and nodded. "Ok now i will ask you again why do you have a bruise on your face." I opened my mouth to speak but was cut if by lily."Her father has been abusing her ever since her mother died. "She said and walked out. Damion looked at me and I nodded to confirm what she said was true.

He let go of me a little."Dont worry about it ill do something but until then here" He said pulling out a gun from his pants.He handed to me showi g me were the safty was hiw to turn it of then showed me how to hide it in my pants. "Keep this with you at alk times until i come for you do yiu understand." I nodded then he left.I waited a few to see if i was just dreaming but i didnt wake up.

After a few minutes I went back to the front of the cafe and saw that damion and the rest of them left.I went to the table to clean up when i saw the money hidden under a cup with a note that said keep this for yourself Ava.-damion I look at the money and counted 350 dollars. Well that was nice but its weird.

Then lily walked up behind me and said "sorry I know it was not my place to telk him but he is a gang leader.. er well the son of one anyways so I thought he could do something to help and your shift is over early okay " I said thanks a finished up then left.

On my way home I passed a pet store.I stopped in front of it and went inside. I walked around looking at the animals. Too bad i could not get one.My dad would kill it.As i was leaving I saw a sign that said shelter with an arrow towards the back of the store.I followed the sign that lead to a door.I pushed it open then all i heard were dogs barking. I walked pass some of the dogs and petted them.then when i got to the very end of the hall a saw a dog that seemed different from the others.

then when i got to the very end of the hall a saw a dog that seemed different from the others

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It was a pitbull.A girl i think.But she stood out because she sat quietly in her cage. I walked up to her cage and bent down.As soon as we made eye contact she seemed to smile and started wagging her tail.i petted her through the bars when suddenly somone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see the store clerk smiling at me.

"Its seems you two have made quite the bond. Would you like to adopt." I stood up and said "I want to but i cant my dad wont let me but plzz can you try to save her for me i really want her just not now.?" He looked thoughtful  and said yes and that she was always sent back because people said she was no fun.

I thanked him the glanced at the time realizing that i need to be home in five minutes.If im late dad will beat me.

Oh the suspense
Sorry i have not updated i was busy but im free now thanks😍😍😘😘

Kidnapped by the son of a gang leader (FINISHED AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now