Wrestlemania 33

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Carrington's POV

Tonight is WrestleMania 33 and I'm beyond nervous and excited but I get drafted to Monday Night RAW tomorrow along with Jon so tonight I have to lose my title but I get to decide who I lose it to.

I'm thinking Naomi I mean we are in her home town pus she had a match scheduled for Royal Rumble with me and was supposed to win but she got injured, so I think its a perfect night for her to win.

I had an interview, so I was heading to the area backstage.

"Hello Carrington I love the ring gear what is it that your wearing?" Cathy Kelly asked me.

"Well my robe is made from the Robe my Dad wore in his match against Triple H in the Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 28 in Miami, Florida, and my top and bottoms are the gear my Mother wore retaining the title and that what I'm hoping I'm doing tonight." I said.

"That's truly amazing, and um how do you feel about going in tonight?" she asked.

"I think its going to be amazing, I mean we have some incredible women in the ring tonight all fighting for the same thing. Its going to be a good match." I said.

"Indeed it will be well thank you for your time Alex now back to the panel." She said into the camera.


A little later in the show. It was time for my match and Jon was there and my father to wish me good luck and a kiss before my entrance. My entrance I had fog machines like my dad and I walked out slow then showed my face causing the crowd to go wild.

I got in the ring and waited for all the divas to get in the ring. The bell rang and at first we all just circle each other.

Carmella tackled me through the ropes and I picked her up and pushed her back first into the apron . I pushed into the ring and was met by a Becky suplex, I rolled out of the ring landed on the ground. Mickie picked me up and threw me into the barricade.


I was thrown out of the ring by Alexa, then she was thrown out by Naomi who then climbed to the tope rope and dived on all of us. I crawled back into the ring and the crowd went wild. We looked at each other and smiled I then kicked her and went to the ropes only to get hit with a Rear View.

We rolled around then I went for a schoolboy roll up but she reversed it into her submission move which hurts, the crowd was mixed but mostly cheering, I screamed then tapped.




"And Your winner and the WWE Smackdown women's Champion....Naomi." JoJo announced.

I had tear running down my face as I scooted over to the corner to breath and watch. Naomi looked over at me and I smiled sadly, she walked over and held out her hand causing the crowd to cheer.

I smiled and grabbed it as she pulled me into a hug.

"You deserve this so much and I'm proud of you, your gonna be a great champion." I whispered into her as we both silently cried.

We let go of our hug and I raised her hand causing the crowd to cheer. I rolled out of the ring and walked backstage where everyone was surprised.

Jon ran up to me and hugged me.

"Baby you did amazing I'm so sorr-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"I'm ok Naomi deserved to win." I said and he smiled and hugged me.

"That's my girl." he whispered causing me to giggle and snuggle into him.

I walked to the locker room and met my mom and she smiled which immediately made me cry.

"Oh baby girl you did amazing I'm beyond proud of you, you did a great job." she said into my ear as I continued to cry while hugging her. My mom knew I wouldn't say much so she just continued to hug me.

We walked out of the locker rooms and was nearly tackled by Nikki and Lana.

"I'm so happy for you let me see the ring." I said as Nikki had tears in her eyes and she showed it off, which she should its been long waited for.

But a part of me couldn't help but be slightly jealous since Jon hasn't gotten me a ring yet to show off, but that's not what matters I love him so I'm ok with not having a ring.

We talked and took pictures together then we went to watch the rest of the show. Jon had already had his match but my father was set to face Roman Reigns. I love the both of them they are my family.

My mother and I would cringe every time either of the men got hit with a chair, in the end Roman had won the match and Roman was leaving the ring as my father laid on the mat. Then like the dead man he is, he rows up and the crowd of course starts clapping for him.

My dad grabbed his hat and robe and laid them in the middle of the ring as his blue lights came on and he walked out of the ring, signaling his retirement . As he walked up the ramp he looked back and out at all the people then continued on by raising one fist in the air.

I started to cry at the 'Thank You Taker' chants as did my mother, once he got backstage we both rushed to hug him as he hugged us back then shared a good hug with Jon but whispered something that I couldn't hear to him.

Later on in the night we were all very tired so we decided to go back to our hotels and Jon and I got ready for bed and fell asleep in each others arms. I truly do love my family and Friends.

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