She's Gone

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A/N: Another one! woot! poor Shota...I'm sorry. hope you all enjoy!

The time finally came to go to America with your parents. You never told Shota you were leaving to save yourself the pain of making this decision. He never expected a thing, because you and your parents didnt pack that much considering your step fathers job gave you everything you needed in the house. So no moving trucks or for sale signs until today.

 You watched all the families in the airport as you waited to get on board. Knowing deep down you will never have the happiness all these people have. Your child was going to be raised in a broken home and there was nothing that could be done about it.

You hoped your kid would understand, you wouldn't keep anything a secret from it. You would tell him who his father was in time. Maybe when his quirk manifests so he understands. Hopefully it was going to end up with a quirk like Shotas so it wouldn't be so tormented as it grew up. The thought of your rough child hood made you feel so angry at the world. The corrupt system and what they did to your father did to.

You clinched your fists at the officer standing by the airport doors. He didnt do anything just wearing the uniform was enough to set you off. Your mom reminded you of the hormones and temper tantrums that came along with carrying a child, you were guessing that's what this was, Because all you wanted to do was smash his face in.

Once you sat on the plane you couldn't help but think of Shotas reaction to the letter you left for him on his bed. Seeing the for sale sign in the yard will probably confuse him at first but you at least told his mother before you left so she would be prepared.

Shota's house. 

Shotas mom came in to clean his room before he came home from training with his father. Noticing the letter you left him on the bed being the nosey mom she was she decided to take a look at it.

She gently opened the envelope, careful not to damage anything inside it. The first thing she saw was the Ultrasound picture. Her eyes grew wide in shock and disbelief. She layed the picture down on his bed and pulled out the letter.

Dear Shota,

I'm so sorry I didnt tell you sooner. I hope you will forgive me, just know I did it because I wanted what was best for you. You will be a amazing Pro Hero someday.

Always Yours,


Hearing the door open down stairs and her two men walk in the door she quickly stuck the letter back in the envelope placing it on the bed and grabbed the ultrasound picture to put it in her pocket.

"Mom we're home." She heard Shota say in his emotionless voice.

He walked in his room to see his mom cleaning up like usual. "Hey do you know why there's a  for sale sign in front of Y/Ns house?"

She stopped cleaning and made her way over to him with a sad look in her eyes. "Shota I'm so sorry baby." She hugged him tightly.

"For what?...She didnt tell me anything about this." he just stood there as his mom was still embracing him.

"They moved honey..They left this morning while you and your father were training." she squeezed him a little tighter.

"No..She would tell me...There weren't any moving trucks or anything so how could they be moving!?" he questioned.

"She came over and told me this morning...she left a note for you on your bed." she let go of him a gestured over to it.

He walked over to the bed feeling his stomach begin to knot from the mixed emotions he had from this. Seeing the letter opened he turned to his mom with a glare. She just shrugged her shoulders with a nervous look.

He took out the letter and began to read it. " isn't true right?...Mom?...she would have..told me."

"Im so sorry sweetie." He could see his mother wanting to cry from his reaction.

Shota ran down stairs and out the door over to your house. He began to look into the windows to see any sign of movement. He quickly took out his phone and tried to call you.

"Please pick up...If this is a trick..I swear Y/N this isn't funny."  the Phone said it was disconnected.

Shota felt like his heart dropped to his stomach. He ran around to the front yard and pulled the for sale sign out of the grass to throw it on the ground. all the tears he felt building up he couldn't hold back any longer, As he dropped to his knees. He didnt notice but his mother was watching through the kitchen window.

She walked over to her husband and layed the ultrasound  picture on the table in front of him. "This was in the letter Y/N left him....he still doesn't know."

She watched as the man in front of her glowed a bright red from anger. "That little bitch manipulated him to do this! she was after his quirk!" he picked up the pictured and crumbled it in his hands.

"Its best he never finds out."

"Well Im sure she didnt manipulate him...She did leave the state with the child so he could become a hero."

"She used him for his quirk...don't you dare think other wise. Her and her father were nothing but nasty villains. I don't want her name spoken in this house again! Get rid of the picture of this abomination."

He put the balled up picture on the table and Shotas mother grabbed it to put it away. Suddenly Shota came in the house. His hair was hanging in his face and he had a dark aura of depression and sadness around him. He felt like his world was gone and he would never get it back.

"Calm down you didnt need that little bitch anyways...I told you sh-" Shotas father was cut off by a swift hard kick to the face.

He fell back in his chair on to the kitchen floor with the young 14 year old standing over him. His dark eyes were blood shot and teary, he had his fists clinched and his body was shaking from the emotions running through him. His father watched in shock as the boy grabbed him by the throat.

"I don't want to ever hear you disrespect her again." He squeezed his throat tighter as a warning then let go.

His mom could actually say that his father looked scared of him for once. She watched Shota stick his hands in his pockets and make his way up to his room quietly.

A/N: Thanks for reading! love my readers.

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