Incubus - Alternative Ending

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In a dark bar hidden from the world, they look at each other without saying a word for a long time.

The situation in which they are now, wasn't seen by angels or demons since immemorial times, but they still remember a very similar one.

"Where are they?" Asks Michael

"Limbo" answers Lucifer without adding anything else.

The brothers come face to face for the first time in a million years. Michael hasn't seen his brother since he was banished from heaven, just for love. For daring to focus his love on who he shouldn't, just for loving him.

"Can't you let them in?" Asks Michael, but Lucifer shakes his head.

"The human is an innocent victim, and the demon felt love, genuine and true love, in the end. You take them" Lucifer says, but now it's Michael's turn to refuse.

"I can't let a demon into heaven, and the human chose to commit suicide. You know there are rules against that" says Michael.


"Only one solution remains" says Michael and this time, after looking at each other for a long time, both agree.

"What are you going to do with the one-winged angel?"

"He is in heaven, desperately searching for the soul of his lover" says Michael.

"Will he find it?"

"Eventually. If his love proves to be persevering and true. For now, he must purge his sins"

A new silence falls on them. Both look at each other with longing. Longing for a forbidden love condemned by heaven and hell. They both sigh.

"What are you going to do with the succubi and the incubi involved?" Asks Michael finally.

"Nothing. They did nothing but act according to their nature, so I'll let them fix it by themselves"

"And the incubi couple?"

"Those naive demons still think they can hide something from us. As long as they keep doing their job, I will not act. They, like humans, imposed their own rules. It's been so long, they've forgotten the reason. They forgot that the first angels and demons saw what happened between us and established that this type of relationship was forbidden. No one ever came to ask me why. They just follow the old beliefs without asking why those rules exist. Humans are the same"

"I miss you" says Michael suddenly.

"Me too" Lucifer replies and they both remain silent.

"Do you think he will ever change his mind?" Lucifer asks again.

"I don't know. I hope so" Michael replies sadly.

They know that, if they say something else about their love, the planet will suffer another ice age, another universal flood, or maybe, finally, it will be completely destroyed.

They look at each other again without saying a word until Lucifer extends his hand. Michael takes it, and both close their eyes, concentrating. Their combined energies reach limbo, transporting the souls of Forth and Beam, to their new destinies. Then, both get up and look at each other for the last time, to disappear soon after.

No one noticed the other presence in that bar. Someone who was very attentive to everything that was said. Someone who, for the first time, seeing the undying love between his children, doubted that he had made the right decision by separating them. Even so, it would be a long time before he can accept being wrong.


23 years later...


The underworld still remembers what happened more than two decades ago. Phana and Wayo became legends. They chased and hunted Pring. No one helped her, not even her own subordinates. For several years Plern Pleng had wanted to rise to power, and she was still winning followers. With the Succubi faithful to Pring dead, nothing prevented her from finally taking charge.

Still, Phana decided not to kill Pring. For the right amount, any being in the underworld, man or woman, can enjoy her services. Services that are free for incubi who want to spend time with her. Everyone enjoys watching the great and powerful Pring, who always treated all races as inferior, surrendering submissively before them. The sorcerers enchanted her so that she can't exercise her power with anyone. Phana and Wayo, are in charge of keeping an eye on her and the world moves on.

Except for today. The eyes of Phana and Wayo, as well as those of Lucifer, Michael and the man who was that day at the bar, are fixed on two humans who are about to meet for the first time. Two souls who love each other even from their past life.

Unlike other days, Forth finished his classes an hour earlier than expected, but didn't feel like going back to his room. Remembering that his friends told him that a new coffee shop had opened near the faculty, he decided to go there instead.

Upon entering, he was delighted with the place until a fight between two men at one of the tables located on the left caught his attention.

There was a young man crying, huddled behind one of the shouting men, who Forth assumed must be the manager or the owner. The other, was definitely a client.


"I'm sorry boss. My boyfriend just came to say hello to me before going home. It was not my intention to create all this mess. Please don't fire me" Forth listens to the waiter.

"Calm down. No one is going to be fired here. And as for you, I don't want homophobic people in my coffee shop, so I kindly ask you to leave. ASSHOLE" replies the manager whom Forth now realizes, is really handsome.

"YOU MUST BE ANOTHER DAMN FAGGOT!" Screams the client and this time, pushes the manager who almost falls on the waiter.

Forth approaches slowly. In his pocket, the fake police badge that looks real, that his nephew left forgotten in his room the last time he came to visit.

"Is there a problem?" He says. His facial expression inspires respect and fear, while he gives a dead glare to the client who cringes before it. Since forever, Forth had the ability to make people tremble just by looking at them badly.

"Don't get involved in this, dude!" Says the client. Forth takes the badge out of his pocket and shows it to him.

"Officer, I think I can take care of a discriminating client. I have the right to choose who stays in my shop so thank you, but I don't need your help" says Beam, the owner of the coffee shop, who always had a stubborn streak in his personality.

"GO AND DIE! ALL OF YOU! YOU WOULD MAKE A FAVOR TO THE WORLD" says the client and leaves. Wanting to avoid problems with the police.

"It's over. Stop crying and go wash your face. You have to continue serving the tables" says Beam and the waiter nodding, retires.

Beam turns to Forth and his eyes meet for the first time. The world stops while angels and demons pay attention to what happens next. Forth extends his hand to introduce himself and Beam shakes it. Both hearts skip a beat.

Their souls recognize each other, although their minds don't. Their hearts beat in unison, knowing that who is in front of them, is the reason why, until now, during their whole life they felt incomplete.

An extraordinary sensation goes through them, love at first sight, humans say, without knowing that this actually happens, when two souls that love each other meet again.

Michael and Lucifer smile, both happy that at least someone can fight, survive, and live a forbidden love.

Phana and Wayo do it too. Happy that finally, Forth and Beam have meet again. Both gave the order that no being in the underworld should mess with them if they don't want to feel the wrath of the entire incubi race.

From Heaven, Ming and Kit are also watching. They, too, as well as Forth and Beam, are about to meet again.

*****The End*****

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