Chapter Two: Jason

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Alex, Veronica, Betty, and Kevin turned the corner and started down the hallway, they were still continuing Veronica's tour of the school. Betty was the middle of explaining to Veronica about the Back To School Semi-Formal that was being held at the school later that week. 

Veronica then gasped and yanked Betty's arm to pull her towards herself, "Look, there's the hottie we were with last night. The red-headed Ansel Elgort. Is he your boyfriend" 

"No, he's straight," Kevin said while Betty said 'No, we're just friends'

"In that case mind putting in a word? I've tried every flavor of boy, except orange," Veronica said to Betty. Alex rolled her eyes. 

"Actually to clarify," Alex started, "Archie and Betty aren't dating but they are endgame," Kevin nodded in agreement. 

"You should ask him to the semi-formal," Veronica said bluntly. Alex's eyes widened she hasn't thought of that. 

"She should," Kevin said, "But I heard that it might be getting canceled because of what happened to Jason. They're gonna tell us at the assembly," 

"Who's Jason and what happened to him?" Veronica asked Betty glanced at Alex who closed her eyes in order to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill, and she quickened her pace to hopefully find Cheryl.


"Thank you all for that moment of silence," Cheryl stated, she was standing in front of the whole school making her speech about Jason, "Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally. Each and every one of you meant the world to Jason," 

Alex could feel people staring at her, at the back of her neck as she tried to hide from the stares by looking down at the floor and letting her hair fall in front of her face. Alex didn't want all the pity from the other students, because they knew how much Jason had meant to her, and they knew what happened, they all knew. 

"I loved my brother," Cheryl said with confidence her eyes moving around the room to make eye contact with people, "He was and always will be, my soulmate. So I speak with the confidence that only a twin would have, Jason, wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning, Jason would want us, to move on with our lives. Which is why I have asked the school board not to cancel the back to school semi-formal," 

Like a wave, the whole school broke into cheers, all but Alex who sat there ridged as flashes of the day Jason left went through her head like someone turning the pages of a book. Alex and Cheryl saying their final goodbyes to Jason and him promising them that he would message them as soon as he made it to the farm. Cheryl pulling Alex away for them to jump into the river and swim towards a rock. The two sitting on a rock, knees pulled into their chests as they cried. Dilton and his troupe finding them on the rock. Sitting in the boat as the police dragged the bottom of Sweet Water River and knowing that the police would never find anything. 

Tears fell down Alex's face as a ring of the bell snapped her out of her thoughts. She blinked and rubbed the tears off of her face, and stood up without a care, walked away, bumped into people and didn't even apologize.  It was then she realized, she didn't think she would ever see or hear from Jason ever again.


"Veronica Lodge," Cheryl said as she walked up to the trio of people Alex at her side, "I'd heard whisperings. I'm Cheryl Blossom, may I sit? Betty, would you mind?" 

Without an answer, Cheryl sat down next to Betty, and Alex walked around to sit on Betty's other side, "So, what are you three hens gossiping about? Archie's Efron-esque from the chrysalis of puberty?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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