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Big Boned

I am "big boned"
That's what they used to say.
My own parents, told me constantly,
"Big boned" is what I always will be.
My body may be praised now days, but not when I was little
Not one bit.
Not when it mattered most for a little girls image of her own self
To be called "big boned"
Was something to be ashamed of.
Believing that my body was unacceptable.
Because I looked different then her.
And oh my she was gorgeous.
My ex best friend, long legs, thin frame, small arms, and small body.
Beauty at its finest.
I was always told by them,
Not to worry- I'll grow into it.
My body that is.
I'll be beautiful just like her
And in a few years, boys will love the way I look
And that's what matters most.
If boys admire this piece, 
then I am a fine work of art.
You see, I was not admired
Because my thighs are large and jiggle when I run
Because my butt is noticeable and coated in tiger stripes
Because my arms are not how I want them to look
Because my stomach showed more then others.
When I did in fact "grow into it"
I finally became accepted
Because I naturally formed into how women are "supposed to look" now days
My jiggling thighs were a pro
My noticeable backside was wished for
My arms were nice
And my stomach was just fine
She was not admired anymore, her trend was out
I was the art piece
She became another statue, awaiting the day a man would find her remarkable once again
Like when she was little.
I wish I was told to still appreciate my body at any size.
I wish I was taught to love what I saw no matter what people say.
I wish I was able to accept myself, while others didn't
Because now, although I have grown, and blossomed
My self image is still ruined, and I still cannot love what I see.
And my best friend, became my enemy.
To be told, you will be seen as beautiful one day, is far too harsh, then to figure, after that day passes,
I won't be seen as beautiful anymore.
Our beauty is not defined by the latest trend.
To all my big boned, skinny, lean, muscular, curvy, slightly curvy, small, short, tall, big and inbetween women, you are beautiful at any size
And do not let others tell you that now is not your time to be admired like the fine work of art you are and that you will "grow" into your beauty
You, all by yourself are a divine masterpiece
You will never need a man, or anyone to tell you that
Stretch marks or none, large thighs or small, toned or thin, curvy or not.
You are art, every single one of you.


I am a beautiful canvas
Put into a beautiful golden frame
I am
Painted with golden tiger stripes across my body connecting to each other
Every dot of cellulite up my thighs has silver specks within it
Each mark and scratch is aligned perfectly with one another
Every bruise is a rough edge, painted a beautiful changing purple
Every uneven part fits perfectly on the frame like a perfect and unique puzzle piece
You see
Every "flaw"on my body has so much beauty within and is no flaw at all
Every mark and bump goes together so well
Every scar is a battle scar and tells a million stories of the wars I have fought and the victory and loses I have faced.
My body is painted perfectly to be imperfect.
My body has bumps and edges,
Marks and scratches
Stretch marks and cellulite
Bruises and uneven parts
It is like a painting
And like art in that way
Where nothing is meant to be exactly pristine and perfect
Which is what makes it perfect
Every painting is different
And every painting has so much beauty within it
All it takes
Is the right person,
The right mind,
The right soul
And the right pair of eyes to see the beauty within
And find it remarkable.
Every woman is a beautiful panting,
Each painted with different unique colours,
Each curved with different edges
Each Painted to be delicate, gentle and kind
And each painted to be bold, fierce and strong
Every woman is a beautiful painting
Each to be admired by the right soul
Appreciated by the right kind
Looked upon by the most worthy
And praised upon for their own unique beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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