Out Of Gas

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The car skidded to a stop. "Great, I'm out of gas! In the middle of the woods!" Calm down Chris, its gonna be okay, think on the brightside. This is a perfect opportunity to write a song. I grabbed my notebook with my songs in it and a gas can hoping someone would see that i need gas. Why am i so angry about this? I need to think of something to clear my negative thoughts. She suddenly popped into my mind. "Y/N" I said quietly. I always loved how she wore those cowboy boots in the middle of summer! She was beautiful, no breathtaking. i used these thoughts to guide me as i wrote. A car pulled on the side of the road just as i wrote down the last line of the song. I was so excited about this one. I might even sing it to her when i see her next i thought as i walked over to the stranger. The window rolled down and i was surprised at who i saw. "Y/N!"

"SO i just thought id stop by to say hi." She said teasing. She got out of the car. I looked down. Yep, cowboy boots like always. I looked back up at her sweet face. I then realized that she had seen me check her out and she was blushing. I blushed as well. We finished putting gas in the car and i invited her to my place to chill for a bit. We arrived and Y/N sat down. 

"Want to hear some new stuff I've been working on?" She nodded excitedly. She has always been supportive about my music. She's one of my best friends and i couldn't stand it stay that way any longer. Im in love with her. "I wrote this song while i was waiting, its about a pretty lady that i can never get off my mind." I grabbed my guitar from the car and sat down next to her. "Ready?" She nodded. " if its not those cowboy boots in the summer..." I finished and looked her in the eyes to try to see what she was thinking. She stood up and gave me a hug. I put my guitar down to give her a bigger and better hug. We stopped hugging and i looked her in the eyes. Her hair fell into her face so i brushed it aside. The moment felt so right so i pressed my lips against hers. "Will you go out with me?" I said anxiously waiting for a response.

"Chris..... Of course!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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