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"However desperate the situation and circumstances, don't despair. When there is everything to fear, be unafraid. When surrounded by dangers, fear none of them. When without resources, depend on resourcefulness. When surprised, take the enemy by surprise." -Sun Tzu


A whisper in the wind is all he hears, tilting his head to the left as his hazel eyes scan across the trees anxiously. He crouches into a fighting position, hand gripping his tanto in preparation for an attack. The man gulps, sweat trailing from his hairline into his stubble, his teeth grit in nervousness.

Never before had he been so uneasy of an opponent, even when facing high-ranked jonin from other villages. He had abandoned Sunagakure years ago, it was as if he had vanished into thin air. Nobody had been able to find him, his skills and stealth having taken him far, especially considering he was the best of the best when it came to hiding.

So where had this shinobi come from?

He blinks, a natural action for anyone, but that was when it was all over. She was behind him in an instant, the scythe of her kusarigama poised perfectly over his jugular. One slight movement and his throat would be slit.

The man's entire body freezes up, completely rigid as soon as he recognizes the predicament he is in. His hands quiver, each filthy, sly finger unraveling from his tanto one by one, until it falls harmlessly to the ground.

The girl leans in close, her breath fanning over his ear as she inches the scythe a little bit closer to his neck, causing a thin trail of blood to drip silently down his neck until it is absorbed into his shirt.

"Kaito," the girl whispers into his ear, causing his eyes to widen. "I've been looking for you for about a week now, you tricky bastard. I have some... questions I'd like to ask you."

Kaito closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his long, greasy brown hair swaying ever so slightly. The girl clicks her tongue, reaching her hand up and taking his hair into her fist and tugging him to the ground before he can even comprehend.

She places her right hand onto his forehead, digging it down so that he couldn't move and replacing the scythe over his throat so that she had him in a more compromised position. He still couldn't see her face, though, so he wasn't sure just who exactly he was dealing with.

Kaito's hands were free, much to his surprise, and by flicking his eyes to the side he was able to spot his tanto within reach. The girl, however, sees the movement clearly and sighs, taking away her scythe from his neck and replacing it with her foot while she reaches over to grab the hand closer to the weapon.

Wrenching his arm her way, she holds his hand up in view with her scythe blade millimeters away from cutting through a few of his fingers. Kaito's eyes widen in clear fear as he grits his teeth, and as soon as the girl sees the horror reflected in his irises, she knows she has him caught.

"If you answer my questions when I ask them, nobody gets hurt. I won't harm you and I won't tell anyone where you are. If you refuse, though... I can't say I'll be as lenient," the girl declares, pressing her foot against his neck harder.

Kaito weighs his options in his head, biting his lip in frustration. On one hand, this girl is only one person, demanding information as if he were her puppet. His other arm is free to do whatever he needs to, and his legs are also not being held down, so he could probably escape her grasp.

On the other hand, this girl is clearly faster than him, and potentially more skilled despite her young age. Kaito knows she purposefully gave him an out that she could counter with ease, or just cut his fingers off if need be. Plus, he doesn't even know what she wants to know, so the better option is clear.

Hardened Heart |Sequel to The Strength of the Weak|Where stories live. Discover now