~{ Shal ~}

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Shal is Gelotophobic s OC. They submitted and I'm including them I'm the chapter IF U LIKE IT OR NAHHHH >:0 they are a party animal . I can't draw people doing funny poses xd

You woke up..You weren't at home.. or on your bed...

You were sleeping on Baldi, on his desk. "Oh... my.."

You checked your phone. 25 missed calls from Jesse bro

You groaned..

You noticed you were naked, you snickered. Baldi was still asleep, you got off him. And then slapped him. "Wake up." You said. Baldi sat up, tiredly.. "Last night was. Interesting.." he said groaning and rubbing Where you smacked him. he sat up. he looked at your chest and bit his lip, blushing. "I know boo.." you said picking up the clothes. You handed him his clothes. "What are you going to tell your brother?" Baldi said. "Since it's only 6am. I can sneak in, take a shower and get dressed into actual clothing. Instead of.. this." You said holding up your clothes that were etheir ripped or has Cum stains on it. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)" Baldi said getting is pants on, "you can have one of my sweaters. " Baldi said, also questioning. "You need it." You began. "I have a draw full of them." Baldi said snickering. You put on your pants and shoes, you grabbed your small bag and plopped it onto a desk."just say you brought It." He said. You sighed, "my brother knows I wou-. I know! I'll just tell him I had sex and my shirt was ripped when I left for home. he can't do anything about it except be mad because it already happened." You said snickering. "Okay..?" Baldi asked, he got a sweater and handed it to you, you kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you in class, sir." You said devilishly, then that's when Baldi noticed.

He's your teacher.

You got home.

"WHERE WERE YOU AND WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SWEATER!?" You brother Jesse started, "I had sex with my teacher." You said calmly, "YOU WHATTTT??!!!! That's it. IM CHANGING THE WIFI PASSWORD!" Jesse yelled, you snickered and set off to get dressed. You wore, Black jeans with short shorts over lapping the waist part, and a Ripped Food Fighters (its a band) shirt with a white tang top under it. "Perfect," You said,  you brushed your hair, put on perfume, packed your things and left. Your brother was screaming in rage and pacing in the living room.

You called Mikayla.



Heyyyyy boooo! - Mikayla

Haiiii! You won't believe what happened last night. - you


I had sex with my teacher I told you about.  It was Great! - you






I'm at Skool now gtg girlfriend 


I'll try not to he's so hot,

Bye boooo! Luv ya

Luv ya too, boo. BUH BYE BITCH

You hung up,

You  opened the doors to school and walked to your classroom. 

When you went in baldi saw you and he smirked lustfully, you just blushed and sat down. "So today.. there will be a new student coming in" Baldi said cheerfully. "Oh! That's exciting!" You said Smiling. 

A girl came in almost kicking down the door. "WHATS UP BITCHES!" She yelled.

You was a little shorter then you, she had a gray turtle neck and black pants, she was curvy in all the right spots. her makeup was on Fleek. Her hair was short and curly. 

Baldi cringed at their entrance. "Hello.. you must be Shal." Baldi said bitterly. You shot a glance at Baldi. the glance telling him to be nice. Baldi frowned, "Take a seat, please" he said. 

You turned to shal, "Hey! I'm (Y/N). I liked your 'Grand entrance'" You say politely, "Thanks, Bitch!" She said JOKINGLY (just a joke!!). "I already like you!" You say laughing With shal joining you. Baldi turned to the board. "Get out your notebooks." Baldi said,. You took out your note book and so did Shal. "Do the work on the board," Baldi said bluntly tapping the board, he made his way over to his desk, He sat and did some work on his desk.

There were 6 problems, 

8 x 12 

74 + 2 x 3 

1 + 3

9 + 10

19 - 10 - 9 - 1

18 + 10 + 8 + 1

You were done with your work, so was Shal, so you guys decided to find out more about each other.

"I hear you guys talking so I'm assuming your done." Baldi said using the teacher come back waiting for 'no we aren't.' But instead he got. "nah.. we're done." You said. Baldi growled and he came over the check your awnser. They we all right. But Shal, trying to be the party animal she was, she out '21' for 9+10. Baldi looked down at her and she smirked. 

Baldi walked over to his desk, he grabbed his ruler. "For the awnser you got. I will slap you that many times." Baldi Growled, Your eyes widened but you dared not to say anything. "Oh hhheelll naw" Shal said getting up and running out the door, Baldi went after her.

~^ Shals PoV ^~

I rushed out of the classroom "Where's the exit?!"I said to myself. That a Crazy ass teacher was chasing me! I hear the slaps getting closer, I run down the hall, there is a man there he stops me, "What's yo-" I looked up to see the principle, "O-Oh! S-sorry s-sir.." I said, he looked down at me. "No running in the halls" he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me down the hall. He had a really strong grip. Dammmnnn. He threw me into the office thing., "20 Seconds detention for you! when will you learn?" He said backing out and closing the door, luckily he didn't lock it, but then that bald bastard comes in, "oh god so help me you wish your mother wasn't afraid of me," Baldi growled "OH SHE AINT," I slid under his legs. I FINALLYYYY reached the exit "Thank you god for blessing me"I say running out, Bald was right on my tail. 

I threw my arms back in a anime style way, turned back to the teacher. "QUICK MATHS!" I screeched and took off.

Nd that's it sorry for being late!! XD

Luv Y'all ;*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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