For Zakcya_Gillens.
Wow. It's been a wild two years of Friendship hasn't it? You mentioned me in your Grad Speech for your award, saying what I meant to you, and why you were giving me a shoutout. Well, here's one for you.
One thing I love about being a writer is that it's another thing we have in common. You are one of my best friends, and I don't want you to leave us! Please don't switch schools! (I know it's already too late but still!) You are one of the most accepting people I have EVER had the pleasure of meeting. What did I do to be brave? You are definitely, in my opinion, the most fearless person I've met. Let's get a list of adjectives that describe you, shall we?
1. Accepting
2. Fearless
3. Beautiful (inside and out)
4. Kind
5. Encouraging
6. Reliable
7. Dependable
8. Respectful
9. Inclusive
10. Smart
11. Empowering (Do you see my RISE reference?)
12. Funny
13. Creative
There are so many more that I can't even name them all so that's a few. Let's take a trip down Memory Lane, shall we?
Day 1. I was sitting, all alone, surrounded by a whole bunch of people. Then, a little(ish) you bounced over to me and sat down beside me.
"Hi, I'm H!"
"I'm D." (Not gonna put my full name.)
"What class are you in?"
I show you my tag, which reads EF7B.
"Hey, me too! Awesome! You know, you're really smart, sitting with a bunch of us." ('us' was not the direct term used.)
We continue talking about unimportant things, like favorite animals and stuff, and that was our first meeting. The first day of our friendship. I remember going home that night, and ranting to my Mom about my new awesome friend, 'H'.I remember when we went to Books and Breakfast together, and talked about the books we read. I remember how you would complement me almost every single day. I remember all those times in band practice together, or sitting on the bus talking about our writing, or when we made words together. There are so many memories, I wish I was Harry Potter so I could use a pensive and show you them all.
So, there you have it. Why I'm so glad you're my friend. I hope this made you cry like you made me. *huggles*, D. ❤
A speech for @Zakcya_Gillens
RandomFor you, @Zakcya_Gillens . Don't think you can tell me how much I mean to you without hearing how much you mean to me.