The End of the World

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Gorgeous, gigantic meteors of blinding white and bright scarlet fire were raining from the sky.

I also saw the needle-like protrusions from the tentacle of a Seeker exploding out of my chest. I didn't even feel any pain.

The last thing I saw . . . was a huge meteor collide with the Motherboard.

The last sound I heard . . . was the screeching of metal on metal as the Motherboard was destroyed.

The last object I felt . . . was the tentacle in my chest relax.

The last scent I inhaled . . . was the blood of my friends.

The last thing I tasted . . . was the salt of my tears.

My last thought as my eyes close

and my consciousness slips away

is that if there is life after us,

I hope

they can learn from our mistakes.

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