=Alice's POV=
I can't believe that Boris helped Bendy grrrr I am so mad. My new plan is to leave Bendy and Boris in a room at 100 degrees F° and let them suffer from intense heat. Actually that is a really good idea. I'll do that I mean they will never know what's going on. I went up to Bendy and tied him up by his hands with rope and his mouth with a cloth and put him in the closet in the halls. Now it is time for me to get Boris and make him go to that room.
Alice: BORIS!!!!!
Boris: huh? What do you want Alice?😒
Alice: I can't find Bendy!!!😨
Boris: When's the last time you saw him?
Alice: in the closet in the hallway!!!
Perfect. My plan is going well. I grabbed Boris's hand and take him to the closet where Bendy was tied up in rope. Once Boris got in the closet I locked the door behind him and leave with a great big evil smile on my face as I laughed.=Boris's POV=
Alice grabbed me by the hand and took me to the closet she was talking about. I got in to see if Bendy was here. I turn around only to see the closet door shut and I heard the lock too. I pounded on the door with angry.
Boris: Alice OPEN THE F#CKING DOOR!!!!!!
Alice: Hahahah!!!!!😄
Great now I'm stuck in here. Well at least Bendy is okay and safe. I look the the thermometer and it was 100 F#CKING DEGREES F°. This is not good. I started to sweat and get very uncomfortable in my clothes. I look at Bendy and he was sweating too. I took the rope off of Bendy's wrist and took the cloth out of Bendy's mouth.
Boris: Bendy *pant* are you *pant* okay?😥
Bendy: Boris *pant* why is the *pant* thermometer on 100 *pant* degrees?
Boris: I don't know I'll try to *pant* set it to 50 degrees *pant* F°
I went up to the thermometer and try to turn it down, but it stayed the same. I think it is broken. I start sweating even more and started to unbutton my overalls. Bendy stared at me as I was unbuttoning my clothes in front of him.
Bendy: Boris, what are you *pant* doing with your *pant* overalls?
Boris: I'm getting warm *pant* by the second
Bendy: *pant* so your unbuttoning your *pant* overalls?
Boris: Aren't you *pant* going to take your close off? I mean *pant* it is getting warmer
Bendy: Yeah, might as well
I watched as Bendy was untieing his bow tie. It made me feel lustful seeing Bendy taking his clothes off in front of me. I couldn't help it any more. I pulled myself up and pulled Bendy up to. I found a stole and told him to stand on it while facing the wall. He did as I commanded him to do. I made him bend over forwards a little. I licked his neck and he moaned I knew he was loving it already. Soon enough he rubbed his member making him moan even more. Holy sh*t he was making me even more lustful than I already am. I go to his bottom and lick his a**hole.
Bendy: Ahh!!!!~ Boris ~💕
Boris: *licks deeper*
Bendy: AHH!!!!~ Boris ~ I'm about ta~💖
Boris: *licks as deep as he can go*
Bendy: Aahhhhhhh!!!!!!!~💞💞💞 *cums*
Boris: good demon~❤
Bendy: *pants*
I think Bendy is ready for what is going to happen to him~❤. It seems that he knows how to have sex. Should I ask him what happened at his old home? Maybe I should.
Boris: Bendy
Bendy: *pants* yeah, Boris?
Boris: what happened at your old home before you came to our home?=Bendy's POV=
Boris stopped and I was panting like crazy I mean of course he did put his tongue up my A**, but it felt so good and I just want him to F#ck me already. I look over at Boris and he looks like he was thinking?. Finally, Boris said something.
Boris: Bendy
Bendy: *pants* yeah, Boris?
Boris: what happened at your old home before you came to our home?
That gave me a fright and a shock! I knew this was going to happen someday, but I have to tell him the truth. This bad thing that happened in the past will get out of my head soon I mean my dad did abuse me, and raped me.
What will happen if I never came here?, Or got saved? What would my life be? What if after I told Boris.....
He wouldn't love me........
Would he?(Hey guys I hope you like this and hope you will read my other books I have I will try and make more of the chapters as I can, and thank you guys for being there for me... Bye😎)

Bendy x Boris a new start❤
RomanceThis is about a new cartoon (Bendy) he came from a bad home moves in to a new home and has to deal with it. Boris being a cartoon that has been here since he was a puppy has Bendy as his new brother. Alice want Boris to be hers , but what she does...