My parents fight my dad cheats my mom is depressed I have a foster adopted sister who is now pregnant. We live a rich life but behind close doors it's sad yelling and fighting worse because my sister is pregnant her boyfriend left her. I didn't want...
One week later Six months and two weeks Selena's outfit
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Selena: Keys (smiles) Shane: (gives Selena a key) Scott has one too Selena: Your best friend but not mine Shane: your mom has one your best friend is Becky Selena: true Shane: I also have another one if we loose ours Selena: ok Shane: (picks up in a bridle way) Selena: (giggles) In their apartment Selena: (gasps) it's amazing a flat screen! Shane: I got us Netflix and mostly every channel demand and yeah Selena: the kitchen Shane: Coffee need that shit after our daughter's born Selena: mini bar? Shane: I might drink a bit Selena: wow (looks in the cabinets) bar glass plates everything we need Shane: I got us a good bed Selena: really (smiles) Shane: follow me In their room Selena: oh my god Shane: big too big for us and the baby but big Selena: we won't fall then and maybe if we have more kids Shane: yeah maybe Selena: What about closet Shane: the agent didn't tell us walk in closet in our room Selena: two or one Shane: (opens the door) one side is mine one is yours Selena: Good enough size Shane: yeah In another room Shane: empty getting stuff for our little girl Selena: upstairs? Shane: another bathroom empty playroom and guest room Selena: (smiles and kisses him) Shane: (hugs her) good place for us Selena: yeah (smiles) Shane: (kisses her stomach) Selena: you tired you did all this by yourself Shane: yeah but I'm fine Selena: go take a nap I'll be ok Shane: thanks Selena: (smiles and pecks him) Shane: (goes in there bedroom and falls asleep) Selena: oh he's not good for you fuck dad (scoffs and watches Netflix)