Rise Of Runeterra (TSM Fanfiction)

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Auther note: Just started this fanfiction first time so i hope you will like it guiyse



Lukz. POV


I was alone my parents sent me to an orphanage for kids which had no parents, i only had one friend in my life and it was my pet bird Valk we shared a bond only death could separate.

I had been at the orphanage 5 years now, i had made 2 friends that was gone adopted by people about 3 years ago, i heard a bell ring "Adoption day everyone" i heard someone say.

Enough about by life my name is Lukz thrown out when i was 13 i am 18 now my best friend Valk was no human but a bird yea a bird but we were like a Life And Death one cant be without the other, i had a brother when we where young he got sent to the orphanage, BTW i was a BIG fan of Tsm.

I was walked down in the hall found a place up in a tree found my iphone went on twitch Bjergsen was streaming then he said "guys just as you know WildTurtle and his Girlfriend just went out to the orphanage to adopt a child" pht what do i care they are a million orphanages in world no chance it would be "The Orphanage For Old Kids".

The doors opened and i saw a guy with the TSM t-shirt, i saw his eyes meet mine i looked away, i saw him behind me he nearly scared me off, then he said "i can see you like TSM by your shirt, i would like to adopt you" i called Valk i then said "can he come to?" He answered "yes of course btw have you tried League of Legends".

My life was gonna change from now on, new home, new family and a new start.

We arrived at a Villa that was HUGE, he explained "we live here all together TSM", we went inside where i saw all of the TSM members waiting for us and a huge sign saying "Welcome".


Hello Readers hope you liked it was a short chapter i know but i just wanted it to start small snd see if anyone reads this
Chapter 1 out 20/8 but i cant promise anything

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