Chapter 9: Back to School

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Attention Readers!
So before the story starts, I kinda lost all ideas on what to do at the camp. So from here on, its when the break ends and its back to school!

Readers POV

Fall break has ended and I was back at school. Boring, irritating, created from hell school. I sat in my math class as the teacher stood at the front talking about things that made no sense to me. Like anything ever really made sense at all.
"Y/N, could you tell us the answer to number 5 please?" Asked the teacher. My attention went to him as I heard my name,"H-Huh?" I stuttered. The class laughed.
"Since you dont seem to be paying attention, I assume you already know the answer to this." Said the teacher, pointing at the math question on the board. Worry started to come as I didn't know a thing. I heard a slight,"Pst!" Next to me. I turn to my side and there was a boy with Purple hair and bright blue eyes. He had writing on his hand that said "91.5"
I took that as to be the answer and looked back up at the teacher. With fake confidence I said,"The answer is 91.5!" The teacher looked surprised. Probably expecting me to get it wrong or the common "I dont know."
"Very good miss L/N, that is the correct answer." The teach said before writing the answer on the board. I sighed in relief that I wouldn't have to be lectured or scolded for not paying attention.
I turn to the side, looking at the boy. "Hey thanks for telling me the answer. You really saved my ass there." I thanked while whispering. The boy, who was looking at his papers, looked up and smiled,"No problem!" He whispered back.
"Im Y/N." I introduced.
"I'm Katsuki." Said the boy. I smiled,"Thats a nice name." He blushed in response. Followed along with a Thank You.
  Class continued till the bell rang for lunch. I grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulders. Walking out I here my name being called. I turn my head and its Katsuki. He trots up beside me,"Hey! You wanna sit next to me for lunch?" He asks politely. I frown,"I'm sorry, I'm sitting with my friends for lunch. But! You can come with me! I'm sure they wont mind." I said with a smile. Katsuki's face lit up in excitement,"Alright! Lead the way." He chimed. I giggled from his dorkiness as i started to walk out of the classroom. Katsuki walked beside me.
   "So, tell me about you." I told the boy. Katsuki laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck,"I'll tell you some other time alright?" He said with a smile. I raised a brow in suspicion but ignored the thought,"Alright."
"Oi! Y/N!" Called a familiar voice. A smile forms on my face knowing exactly who it is. I turned my walk into a trot as I followed the call. Leaving Katsuki behind. Sorry
Pushing pass students, I come out into a clearing. Standing before me is my friends. G, Blue, someone new, and someone somewhat familiar standing beside them. A freakishly powerful women I never thought I would see here.
"Ciana?!" I questioned loudly. Surprised that the short women was here.
"Heya Y/N-Chan!" She said with a wave and warm smile. She looked... normal. You would never have known she gave birth a week ago.
Another person was standing beside her. He was freakishly tall. Taller than G. In fact, he looked like G. <Y'all know who it is?>
His posture was perfect. Giving off the effect of an intense high security body guard. He had light blue triangle tribal art lines going across his face. Just a little faded. They were accompanied by similar cracks like G's. Except they were triangles. A dark blue turtle neck with a brown vest over it. Like police armor-ish. White jeans with a belt on it that appears to be used as a holster for something. He has brown knee high boots with gold trimming the top. Weird stuff on his hands, somewhat like chains. In total, incredibly handsome.
"Greetings, I am EchoPray Sans. I go by Pray when Gaster Sans is around." He said formally. Pray puts a hand across his torso and one behind him, feet together as he bows. I looked around with an awkward smile. I'm not to someone bowing to me.
   "HES MY OTHER COOL BROTHER!!!" Calls out Blue randomly. I don't mind though.
   "Pray here is my assistant. And best friend." Chimes Ciana with a smile.
   "Assistant?" I question.
   "Ciana is the new gym teacher. Although her teachings are gonna be way different from traditional gym class." Answers G. I look at him then towards Ciana,"Wait? Gym teacher!? What happened to Mister Forman?!" I ask in confusion.
   "You have not heard? There has been recent cases of murders going around. Unfortunately, Sir Forman was a victim." Said Pray with a hand on his chest and sad expression on his face.
   "Yeah, Since then I applied to be the new gym teacher. And, I created a new curriculum that's targeted for students to protect themselves from who ever is causing these murders, hostile monsters, or anything else. At the same time, I tried my best to add normal Gym class in." Ciana added. My eyes widened a bit in surprise.
   "Wow, and they excepted it?" I asked. She nods. Another question wandered into my mind,"How old are you?" The others all stared at me with a sweat drop going down their face. Millions of them form on my face when I see this. Was that a question I'm not suppose to ask?...
  "Uuuh... I'm like, 72 or something like that." She answers. The skeletons release a breath of relief.
   "72!?!?!" I yell. She giggles softly,"I'm a human given somewhat immortal abilities." The women says with a shy smile. I "oh-ed" in response. Then I remember.
   "Ciana! I just realized something! I have Gym next!" I said with an excited expression. Ciana clasps her hands together,"Yay! You'll have so much fun!" She says with a smile.
   "I HAVE GYM NEXT TOO HUMAN!!!" Yells Blue happily. Jumping around in excitement as his bandana bounces along. We all laugh at his cuteness. Things are about to get a little more exciting huh?

Woo! Another chapter in! Sorry for the time gaps between them. I'm finally started a sport and it takes up most of my week. But I'm getting excited on how this story will play out. So who knows, next chapter might be sooner than usual! Alright lovelies! Seeya later!

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