Chapter 1- spilt cereal

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Diavel walked into the school doors. First day of school was always the same, people running about and saying hello to their friends, comparing schedules, finding class rooms, telling stories of the summer adventures they had. Diavel never got to experience these first day excitements. He never had friends that he could tell stories too, or to "hang" with. He only had one and even then she wasn't the type to get exited over who kissed who or what happened at whoever's house.

Diavel walked past the crowds of people to the cafeteria, where they should be serving breakfast. He picked up one of the cheap foam trays and started to pick out what foods he wanted. He decided on some dry cereal. Although he wasn't sure why they called it cereal, it sure as hell didn't taste like it or did it look like it. As he was scooping it onto his tray, and no they did not have bowls so yes he did look quite odd, he was bumped sideways and spilt the stuff all over the floor.

"Oh my goodness!" a voice cried. Diavel turned his head to the side to see who had bumped him. A girl, probably a freshman, with blonde curly hair stood there. Her hands were over her mouth and her eyes wide with embarrassment. "I am so sorry! oh I'm such a clutz sometimes. Let me help you!" She collapsed to the ground and started to pick up the cereal from the ground.

Diavel dropped down to help her. He didn't want to make the poor girl clean everything up herself and he was a kind guy at heart. "Really it's fine. Don't worry about it" he stated. She looked up at him. Her eyes sparkled with blues and greens. Now getting a good look at her face, Diavel noticed that she was infacr very pretty. A pale completion, bowed lips that were tinted a pink. He wondered if it was natural or not. Then he realized he was staring and felt a blush ride up his neck.

"Oh I really am sorry" the girl said again after the floor was cleaned up. They both stood up and brushed themselves off. She was shorter than him, probably because she was younger. And also Diavel was a tall person in general.

"No really it's fine. That food tastes horrible anyways so you actually saved me from eating it." He chuckled and she laughed a bit. They both stared at each other for a bit longer before Diavel spoke up again. "I'm Diavel," he held out his hand for her to shake. "Are you new to Moors?"

"Um yea actually. I just moved here with my Aunts. My names Aurora" she smiled at him. She was a very enchanting person indeed. Almost like a princess. The way she talked sounded sophisticated and royal. She looked the part too.

"Very nice to meet you Aurora." Then the bell rang indicating that free time was over and school was in motion. Diavel nodded at Aurora as she walked off. But before she exited completely she turned around and shouted back to him "nice to meet you too, Diavel. See you around!" then she was gone.

And Diavel was excited to be seeing this Aurora again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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