Chapter 5

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As i wake up and do my routine for the moring, I dress in a white crop top with light washed high waisted ripped shorts with white toms and my hair longI drove to starbucks.I feel like i wanted to be alone so i was.

-Skipped to afternoon-

.I walk to the music store.I hang there for a couple of hours,.

-2 hours later-

Its late.I leave as they are closing up.I didnt buy anything i just was in there listening to music..zoned out. As i was walking threw the alley i was on my phone texting my bestfriend Ellie and texting my sister Kayla.

Nikki:I know it was totally wack!

Kayla:Hell yeah!

I herd foot steps.I kept turning around one was there.I walked a bit faster..I herd them again.I turned around but stopped.Then face front again

Nikki:Oh shit..Justin


He said weirdly.

Nikki:Were you following me?


I walked past him but he grabbed me.

Nikki:Let go of me!

He shoved me into his car and drove off

Justin:Nikki..there is somethings ive been meaning to tell you..

He still said weirdly.

Nikki:Justin please let me go!

We arrived to his house.He grabbed me and held me tightly around my waist and walked me inside his house.He sat me down on the couch and sat next to me

Justin:Listen kitten...Your mine now.


I laughed.

Nikki:Seriously is this one of your jokes you are pulling its very funy.

Justin:Kitten nothing is a joke.

Justin:Now if you try to run from me.I will find you.You will have a punishment.

I gulped.

Justin got up and took me to his room.He threw me a white t-shirt.I went to the bathroom.There was a window.Justin knocked on the door.

Justin:Kitten you there?


He said louder.

Nikki:....Im still here.

Justin:Good i thought you ran.

I was half out the window and half in.

Nikki:Not just yet.

As he banged on the door and broke threw i jummped down from his 2 story.I ran and tried to climb the gate.Then a pair of hands touch the back of me and grabbed me.

Nikki:Let go!!!!!Justin!!!!!

He pulled me over his shoulder.He brought me back to his room.

Justin:You tried to run.

I gulped.

Justin:Hmmm what should be your punishment .....

He touched my face. I flinched.A tear came down

Justin:Dont cry.

He sat down.He rubbed his leg.Then starting to look down there...

Justin:I think i figured out your punishment.

I looked at him.

Justin: 1 you can touch me or get a spanking.

Nikki:id rather be spanked than touch you.

Justin:How many.


I bent over and he hit me.


Justin: 4 more kitten.

He petted my hair.


Justin:3 more


He hit it lighter and lighter.


Still light


He hit it hardest out of all of them.

He grabbed me and sat me on his lap as his lips touched the bottom of my ear and he whispered

Justin:Shhh its all over.

I cried.

Justin:I love you kitten

I got off.

Nikki: If you did you wouldnt be doing this.

I went to the bathroom to change into that shirt. I came out and Justin wasnt there.I herd a loud whistle.I went to follow it.

Justin:Oh good your in it

He said scaning my body

Justin:Lookin good.

I sat on the counter watching him pour hot water in 2 mugs and add tea bags.

Justin:Who is yours?

Nikki:No one...

Justin slammed his fist on the nice grandite counter.


Nikki:I-I-I dont know ...

i studdered.

Justin:Yes you do.



he smiled and added sugar to our teas.

He went between my legs.

Justin:Your mine.Your going to stay mine.

His nose rubbed againt my nose softly.

I was scared he was going to do something me.He hits me but yet he says he loves me.We drank our tea.Justin tried to make converstaion but i just nodded and said few words here or there. He then walked me up to his bed room.I laid down.Justin removed his shirt and kept his shorts.he turned out the lights and laid next to me his arms wrapped around me and his leg over my legs.Im strapped like i cant go anywhere.I pretend to be a sleep.I waited until justin was dead a sleep.I started to feel something hard on my butt and warm liqud on me.I removed his hands and his leg off of me. I scooted to the edge of the bed.Justin then woke up and went to change his boxers. i can feel him searching for me on the bed.He starts breathing hard..He found me and then pulled me close to his body.

Justin:Kitten your awake arent you.


Justin:Why love?

Nikki:Because i dont want to be here.

Justins head fit right between my neck.

Justin:You cant leave me.Your my claim.

I fell asleep.

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