HOW PEOPLE DESCRIBE ME: People say I am a nice, caring person. Very blunt and straightforward, someone with a sharp tongue. They say I hide behind a though person when in reality I'm just a softy. People also say I am reliable and trustworthy. Others describe me as a shy, quiet person with an innocent mind. They say I'm someone who lacks confidence.
HOW I DESCRIBE MYSELF: I describe myself as someone who is quiet, not shy. A very blunt girl who will tell you anything, but will be considerate of your feelings. I also describe myself as someone who gets angry easily, short tempered. I do agree that I lack s lot of confidence and over think a lot. Besides the negative, I am also very loving and affectionate. I care for others and try to be there as a supporter. I tend to sacrifice my needs for others.
HOW PEOPLE SEE ME (Physically): People say I'm 'pretty' that I look good with and without makeup. They tell me I have a pretty skin tone. They say that the features that pop out the most are my eyes and smile. When it comes to body, they say I'm "thick" not fat, which I disagree >:( Others say that I have fat, thick thighs. They see me as an average height person.
HOW I SEE MYSELF (Physically): I see myself as someone who is below average beauty standards. I really don't see myself as a pretty girl. I am fine with my skin tone! Yes I agree with my eyes and smile being the best features of me. I have rather big eyes, they aren't huge, but big. I love my smile the most though, I think that's what people notice about me the most, but I never take pictures smiling, lolol. My body, well, Everyone has an amazing body, I just can't find myself enjoying my body. I don't think I'm thick, I really dislike my fat thighs :( I think I'm rather tall, I mean I am 5'5.5
HOW I ACT AT SCHOOL: At school I am quiet and nice. I do tend to be more afraid of getting in trouble, so I try my best to follow the school rules. I try my best in classes and I focus a lot in order to get a good grade. I do goof around at times and I could be more innocent and not say dirty stuff.
HOW I ACT AT HOME: Since Im at home, I act more like myself. I am a bit more cranky and lazy. But home is also where I am more lovable, yet also bitter. I tend to be more rebellious, a bit loud, and a bit more dirty.
HOW I ACT WITH FRIENDS: I have a good amount of friends that we all hang out together. Since Im really close with them, I also tend to act more like myself. I am more louder and have a lot more energy. Im more blunt with them and also more dirty. I do show how angry I can get, but I try my best to control it. I also show my soft side and lovable side with them. I try my best to be a good friend, always being there for them and supporting them.
STRENGTHS: Dependable, Caring, Trustworthy, reliable, comforting, funny, smart, I think logically.
WEAKNESSES: Blunt, overdramatic, sensitive, lack of confidence, short tempered, a lil bit bitchy/rude.•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~°'°~•'•~•~°'°~•