Chapter 3

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"Class, we have a new student."

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Mingyu playfully ask.

"Stop being naughty Mingyu. Please come in."

There was a sunshine walking in.. she's beautiful, has a perfect body, her skin was as white as a snow..her hair, it's to pretty..her lips looks soft.. all the boys falling for her..girls sending glare..who is she?

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Min Y/n. Nice to meet all of you." She said while smiling.

"Y/n you can seat next to Wonwoo." There you looked and saw a boy raised his hands.

[Recess time]

Y/n p.o.v

" You guys just stay outside, I want to relax myself for a while. "

"Alright miss."

I get into the room, it was freaking big. There's everything that I requested. I go towards my piano and play some songs and start singing.


Seventeen Private Room

"Guys, did you hear that?" Joshua said and everyone remain silent.

There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,
Together through the storm..
There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,

"She's Min Y/n. Her private room was next to us. That's why you can hear her.." Coups said, everyone nodded..

"Yah, should we bother her a little?" Wonwoo asked while smirking..

" We know what you're thinking..." Seventeen said in a sync.



Was there monkey or what in this room? They're so freaking noisy!

"Mr Principal, I'm Min Y/n." You called the principal.

"Yes, May I help you?"

"The private room next to me was to noisy..can you shut them up? Or just expell them from this school."

"We'll try our best to stop them."


Tok! Tok! Tok!

"Who the f*ck dare to knocked the door." Wonwoo cursed. He then go to open the door.

"Imma! You're to noisy Mr. Jeon Wonwoo." He was greeted by Y/n.

"Sorry kitten~ we're just trying to bother you a little.." he smirked while staring at her.

"You and your friends come to my office now!" The principal sternly said.

"Y/n, you too."

"O-oh okay."

[Principal office]

"What should I do with you guys.." The principal getting headache.

"Just expell them from this school."
Y/n simply said. Sounds mean..

"Who are you to expell me from this school?" Wonwoo started boiling up.

"Relax dude. The principal will decide. Not me. Btw, I'm Min Y/n. The daughter of Mr.Min the owner of the biggest company in Korea." Confidently she said.

"Tch. You're think you're that great? I just know that you're acting like you are innocent but hell just the same like a bitch..or maybe a slut?"

Wonwoo don't realize what he's saying cause his blood is boiling just waiting for it to explode..

"Yes. I'm fake. I'm wearing a mask. Yes you're right..but, you don't know one thing that you're life was more phatetic than a beggar.. cause you was the same as the trash that belong to the trash can.."

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