My 10 mates to love and cherish-chapter 10

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Luna P.O.V

After eating the food my mates had cooked we all took a walk into the woods so that we could get to know each other better.

"where do you want to start first babe" Lucas said.

"well i want to know some of your secrets, fears, funnest childhood moments and etc, but keep in mind you don't have to tell me anything that makes you guys uncomfortable" I said to them, i didn't want to be those mates that pry into their mate's business.

"well ok we will tell you ,we dont mind you are our mate so you have the right to know, we love you and have nothing to hide" Cain said proudly smiling at the fact that i was theirs.

"but maybe you should start first since there is 10 of us" Jake and Jacob said at the same time making me smile and pinch their cheeks.

" Aww you guys are so cute and sure I can go first" I said letting go of their cheeks.

"We are cute not sexy ok" Jake says

"Stupid, what he means is we are sexy not cute" Jacob corrects and we all laugh.

then we reached near the woods and begin to walk through, I rememebered these wood it was the same woods we met in and we the same waterfall where they saw me naked in and I began to blush. I mean sure they knew I was a virgin but I still felt a type way.

In all honesty I never really had any insecurities and I believe that is why my biggest secret happened to me, I mean no one is perfect, everyone has suffered in their own way whether minor or major.

"what what happened" they all growled

" one time when i was at a party with my friends, we were all having fun and they were drinking but I wasn't much of a drinker so i was sober, one of my friends had dared me to run into the woods um um" I stuttered a little ashamed.

"it okay just say it" Zack said

"well naked" I said looking down

They all began to growl and i felt a little ashamed then they came around me almost in a circle and sniffed my scent to calm themselves while i continued to talk.

"so when I ran into the woods naked, they waited and attemped to find me after a few minutes but I was a good hidder so I hid within some bushes so they couldnt find me knowing when they arent sobber their senses arent really alert."

"one of my friends had thought that i ran back to the party so they all left and after a good 15 minutes of making sure they left, I had realized there was an off scent it was some rouges and I tried har to hide but they found me as i tried to escape and and..." I have always been the type to keep my emotions to myself so sharing this with my mates was a bit difficult.

"its okay you dont have to say more if you dont want to" Stone said and Andrew and logan gave me reassuring looks.

"no i do want to finish" I say and began to continue

"they pulled me but i fought back then one of them said "why not have some fun guys", "no im a virgin so of course they didnt rape me" I said seeing their wolves were coming to the surface.

"Before, they could do anything my friends returned because someone had dropped something so, yea" I was looking down because I felt happy share this with them but didn't know how they would look at me"

"***Have faith in mates***" my wolf said

"Thank you for telling us" Seth said looking at me, making me feel comforted.

"I'd love to think, I speak for everyone when I say I love you"Logan says making everyone laugh

Then Keith picks me up and says "how u feel about getting wet"with a wink

All my mates looked at the waterfall and laughed, and I love them, even if they were encouraging Keith to throw me in the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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