Glitter and Rainbows

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Dylan's POV

"What?!" My friend Matt choked out, as he tried to not spew his soda everywhere.

"Yeah, it's crazy." I replied. Matt continued to struggle while my other friend, Liz looked over at me in bewilderment.

"They aren't worried about getting angry phone calls, and lawsuits filed against them, from angry homophobic parents?" Matt asked when he was done from almost dying. Liz was still trying to process this information.

"Nope they are gonna put on the play anyways." I answered. Liz finally snapped out of it and looked at me with huge eyes.

"Wait! How come nobody told me about this, before I signed up for band?" Liz asked us.

Matt looked at her through his dirty blonde hair.

"What do you mean?" He questioned. I too was very confused. She shot us a look, like we were the biggest idiots in the world.

"If I were in drama, I could've been watching two guys share their fiery, passionate love for each other through tons of make out sessions, and NOT be a creeper! THATS LIKE EVERY FANGIRLS DREAM! You know what just don't talk to me. I'm so ashamed of myself. I can't BELIEVE I missed out on this amazing opportunity!" Liz practically screamed. Her orange curls bouncing as she waved her arms around.

Me and Matt where really quiet, and just stared at each other for a minute.

"Well I'm sorry but you can still see it when we preform." I suggested.

Liz glared at me.

"No you don't understand! Yes I'll be able to see it later, but I want to see it all the time for free!" she complained. Matt made a face.

"If you wanna see that, then go watch gay porn or something." He told her.

"Fine! Maybe I will! And then that way I can see all of their-" Liz was suddenly cut off. By none other than me of course.

"Oookkkkaaaayyyy then. Lets move on." I interrupted. Both Liz and Matt smirked at me, and exchanged looks.

"W-what?!" I demanded.

"So I- I'm sorry, we, have a theory." Liz said in a tone that made me feel, as if I wasn't so sure I wanted to know why anymore. I motioned them to go on. I'm gonna regret this.

"We think you are either a prude, religious, or gay." Matt finished. I stared at them. Yup, regretting this. How does a person even respond to something like that?!

"Well I'm not any of them." I replied stiffly.

"Are you su-" Matt tried to speak, but I wouldn't let him.

"YES IM SURE. FOR GODS SAKE IM NOT A PRUDE, RELIGIOUS, OR GAY. NOW WILL YOU GUYS JUST DROP IT?" My friends were speechless. And frankly so was I. I'm probably one of the quietest people in our school, and just totally lost it. Luckily I wasn't so loud that I had attracted attention from other lunch tables, but it was loud enough to show how angry I was.

"S-sorry... this whole thing has just been frustrating me." I sighed.

"It's okay Dylan. Were sorry too. What are you gonna do if you get a lead?" Liz spoke softly.

"I don't know. It's not as if I can change classes, unless I want to get an F for the semester." I said, as I put my head down on the table. My light brown hair fell in my face, and I didn't bother to push it back.

"What do you think it's like being gay?" Matt asked. Me and Liz both stared at him.

"Seriously though. Do you think it's pretty much the same, or is it all glitter and rainbows?" He continued.

"Well we wouldn't know Matt. In case you haven't noticed, were not gay." Liz replied sarcastically.

"Yeah Liz, but you read all those gay porn books and shit right?" Liz glared at him after he said this.

"I need new friends." I groaned, but secretly I was fighting a smile.

"Hey!" They both complained.

"Wait." Matt held up his finger.

"I have an idea." He said. When he didn't say anything after a few seconds Liz hit his hand back down.

"Well don't keep us waiting. You having an idea is like the biggest thing since wireless phones." Liz teased.

"What if you just bombed the tryouts on purpose?" Matt chose to ignore Liz.

"I can't do that! If I screw up I look like an idiot!" I stressed.

"Then try hard, get the lead, and make out with a guy a few times." Liz said this like it wasn't a big deal.

"Why am I not surprised Liz suggested that?" Matt spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"What?! It would be so hot." She insisted.

"Alright, let's talk about something else now. Please?" Seeing the desperation in my eyes as I said this, they both shut up. As the bell rang a few seconds later, I realized I hadn't eaten any of my lunch. With tryouts after school today, I didn't feel that hungry. Me, Liz, and Matt all dumped our food, said our goodbyes and left for class.

I was walking down the nearly empty hall, when all the sudden someone threw their arm around my shoulders. Which was kind of hard to do since I was 5'4, and this person was normal sized.

"Hey Dylan." A voice whispered in my ear. I shivered involuntarily, out of disgust and fear.

"W-what do you want Bryce?" I asked, trying to keep calm. Bryce laughed and flipped his platinum blond hair. He looked at me, his brown eyes seemed to shoot lasers into my light blue ones.

"Where's my homework?" He asked.

"Right h-here." I said as I shoved it at his chest. When I started to run Bryce threw out a hand to stop me, but I ducked and kept running.

"Wait!" He demanded. But I didn't look back.


This took a long time. When I wrote the part about Dylan being frustrated, in my head I was all "yeah sexually frustrated" then I had to tell myself to stop fantasising and work on the story. But I got a nosebleed. A NOSEBLEED. I was like really I haven't even really written anything yet, why do I have a nosebleed? I'm probably going to be losing a lot of blood throughout the story -_- anyway if anyone is reading this then thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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