Kagami x Kaminari haya (Reader)

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It's early in the morning on your way to school then you saw Kagami and Kuroko.

“Taiga-pyoooon~!” you ran to him. He stiffened and turned back to see you. “Oi slo—“ he tried to stop you but too late. You jumped on him and hugged him rubbing your cheeks at his. “Stop that it’s embarrassing!” he said in annoyance. You smirked “says the one who is blushing and acts all tough” hehe. “Why you—“ he tried to catch you but you jumped down. “Oi!”

“Ohayogozaimasu Kaminari-san” Kuroko greeted you. You bowed “Osu!”

“Oi listen to me!” Kagami said.  “Nani ga Taiga-pyon?” you had a teasing smile on your face. “What’s with the –pyon?!” he asked. “No rea~son~” you sticked out your tounge and ran forward.

Kagami’s POV

“Sheesh that girl” Kagami sighed watching you run. “You seem really close” Kuroko said, Kagami looked at him. “Hah? Close? Of course, we’re friends” he said.

“You seem more like a couple” Kuroko said. “That’s impossible!” Kagami grabbed his colar “we’re just friends! Besides, she won’t feel the same anyway”

“Hey you two! Hurry up!” you waved from where you are to them “Taiga-pyon hurry up!!”

“Hai hai we will!” he shouted back. “Are you sure about that Kagami-kun?” Kuroko was serious, “Well… maybe… just a bit” Kagami said putting him down and walking forward. You ran ahead leaving Kuroko and Kagami’s sight.

“I see…”

“But don’t you dare tell her!”

“Then you have to do it now before it’s too late”

“Too late?”

“Today’s Kaminari-san’s birthday remember?”

“Sh*t! I forgot!”

“And someone’s planning to confess to her, so hurry up before he gets her before you”

There was a smile on Kagami’s face “Osu! I’ll take her before that guy does!”

(Time skip)

Kaminari’s POV

“A-anou Kaminari-san” you heard a guy call your name. “Ah, Koujo-kun, what do you need?” you smiled. “Later this afternoon, at 4:34 pm, meet me at the roof” his face was all red but you ignored it and nodded “Hai”

“Is he the guy?” Kagami asked Kuroko watching the both of you and Kouji-kun talk. “Hai… and why me…” he was just dragged by Kagami. “4:34 pm eh… I’ll go there and stop it myself!” he said in a competitive tone.

“Taiga-pyon” you appeared before him with your hands at your hips. “It’s not nice to eaves drop on people” he looked up and saw you and he looked around. Kuroko is gone. ‘dammit where are you Kuroko?’ he said in his head. “taiga-pyon, how much did you hear?” your voice was firm. “A-ah e-eto….” His voice was shaking. He looked a bit lower and saw your panties. A blush crept up his face. You saw where his eyes were looking and a dark aura surrounded you. “You..” you clenched your fists. “No! No!No! I didn’t look anywhere!!” Kagami was as scared as ever. “Pervert!!!” you hit him at the cheek. “ITAI!!!” he screamed.

Kagami’s POV

“Hmph” you left with Kagami’s face steaming from your punch. “Kagami-kun” Kuroko finally appeared. “WHERE WERE YOU?!” he sat up with a lump on his face. “I was here the whole time…” he said.


“Will you still stop it?”

“Hah? What are you talking about? Of course I will”

Kuroko and Kagami smiled at each other.

Kaminari’s POV

“So why did you call me Koujo-kun?” the wind blew both of you. “Kaminari-san, Tanjobi Omedetto!” he handed you a gift wrapped up nicely. “Sugoii, your wrapping is nice” you said. “Is this it?” you asked. “No… But…”

Kagami’s POV

“Kuroko hurry up!!” Kagami shouted at him. “I’m tired Kagami-kun, go ahead” Kuroko panted. “Fine I will but hurry up” he ran ahead leaving Kuroko behind.

Kaminari’s POV

“But what?” you tilted your head. “I’ve watched you for a while now but I’m not stalking! Promise, and you always do things gracefully and it was really a sight to see, so” he bowed “Please g-go out with me!”

When the words slipped his mouth your eyes grew big and you heard a thump!

Kagami’s POV

“Dammit!” he punched the wall. It was too late, he already told you. “Kagami-kun…” Kuroko was at the third step from where Kagami is. “I guess it’s too late..tch” he was pissed but he was crying inside “Let’s go Kuroko” he said putting his hands in his pocket walking down the stairs.

Kaminari’s POV

You smiled and tilted your head. You knew Kagami was there. “Gomen, I’m sorry but I can’t accept it” you said and Kagami stopped and listened. “I appreciate and respet you and this gift but I can’t accept it” you walked toward the door. “I have another person in my heart and I’m sure he feels the same way. He’s stubborn and wild but he can be sweet and caring. He plays basketball and has an amazing power for jumps” you turned the knob of the door at the roof “and he’s” you opened it “Kagami Taiga, am I right?” you smiled tilting your head. He looked back at you.

You turned your face to Koujo-kun. “But thanks for the gift” you smiled.

“I knew I won’t be able to date you but I’m happy to tell you my feelings” he smiled back and left.

Kagami’s POV

She rejected him and said it was me. Kuroko patted me on the back and gave me a smile “Omedettogoazaimasu” he mouthed. I looked at Haya. “Haya… anou, gomen” is all I could say. My heart was beating. She just came to me and pulled me down to meet her eyes.  I never seen her this close and boy her eyes were sparkling.

Kaminari’s POV

I pulled him closer and our lips touched kissing.

“Am I  right Taiga-pyon?” I smiled at the sight of him blushing. He just smiled at me and pinched me. “You haven’t grown a bit have you” he was teasing you. “Itai desu”

So that ends the day. The day I fell in love with this Tiger.


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