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Arthur note: eeeeee here we go again another love story and yes it has Yugi in it again DEAL WITH IT I LIKE WRITING ABOUT YUGI. By the way there is a extremely spicy part in this story.
[Narrator's POV]
Another lovely day in Domino city the birds are singing and a boy has just been released from jail and going to Domino high and thus our story begins.
[Yugi's POV]
!RING! The bell rings out and I look to Joeys desk and sigh. "He's late again." I say to myself as the teacher walks in and looked to Joeys desk too. "Mr. Wheelers late again eh?" She shakes her head. "Whatever now we have a new student to day but be careful he just came out of jail so he's considered dangerous." She said and looked to the door. Jail? Dangerous? How dangerous?" right then Joey runs in. "Yeah yeah I know I'm late." The teacher glared at him. "Mr. Wheeler you don't need to speak just find your seat." She said harshly and Joey got his seat. "Yo Yugi what's with that kid in the hall? I saw him on my way in." Joey asked me and I look to him. "It's a new kid who just got out of jail." I tell him and he looks at the door. "Really? I'd believe it by just looking at him." He said and the teacher slams a book on her desk. "MR. WHEELER WILL YOU SHUT UP SO THE NEW STUDENT CAN INTRODUCE HIMSELF?" She yelled and Joey and I looked to the front. "Now Mr. Wheeler. Detention." She said and Joey just shrugged clearly use to it. "Now will you come in now." She said looking at the door as did the rest of the class and a fearsome looking boy walked in. He was as big as Joey with long silver hair that covered half his face, red eyes and he was not wearing the school uniform he was wearing a leather jacket, a skull shirt with some baggy pants. Joey was right he totally looked like he just got out of jail with just a look. "Sup I'm Kane, Kane thug as the teacher no doubt told all you loser that I'm dangerous and it true I'm not afraid to beat up any of you wether you are my target or just in my way to my target, so stay out of my way." He said and a lot of people shivered including me, but for more then fear I felt a twinge of excitement for some reason. "...Well thank you Mr. Thug now lets see you should sit right..." The teacher starts but Thug buts in. "My prowl offer said I should always sit in the back of class." He said and I was a little upset to hear that because I was in the front and I wanted to get to know him. "Oh ho is that what your prowl offer said? Well he told me a different story that your supposed to sit in the front so I can make sure you stay out of trouble in the back. So you will sit by Joey Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler raise your hand." Joey raised his hand and Thug went to sit next to him whale glaring at the teacher.
[Kane's POV]
Man my first day at school and I already want to kill my teacher, and I already see some kids I just know I'll hate like this Wheeler kid he looks like a problem. Well if he knows what's good for him he'll stay the @!}#£ out of my way. And the gnome with spike hair really should stay the f&&$ away from me I'll rip his head if he pisses me off.
{lunch time}[Kane's POV]
Ahh lunch, time to find a place to sit. I sat down at a table near the pink tree and started to eat my ramen when the gnome came up to me with his friends and that Wheeler guy. "Hi Mr. Thug I'm Yugi Muto and this is my friend Joey Wheeler, and my big brother Yami and we were wondering if we could join you?" He asked me as his big brother glared at me. "Are you sure you want to sit next to me. I'm a hardened criminal you know. Who's to say I won't hurt you eh?" I tell him and his big brother stood in front of him. "Me punk." He said and looked to the gnome. "Maybe we should sit elsewhere Yugi." He said and the gnome shook his head. "No I want to sit here if its ok with you." He said and looked at me I shrugged my shoulders and they sat down. "So what do you like to do in your spare time Mr." He started and I stopped him. "Just call me Kane gnome boy." I said and Yami stood up ready to hit me and I stood up ready for a fight when the gnome came in between us. "No guys don't fight. Can we all be friends here?" He asked. "Yugi he called you gnome boy." Yami said and Yugi looks at him. "So what I've heard them all before." He said I bet he has they both sat down and I sat down next. "So Kane about my question." He said and looked at me. "Well I skateboard,

play video games, get in to fight often." I said and he listens to it all. Interesting.
{two week later} [Yugi's POV]
It's been two week since I met Kane he cool but kinda mean but I guess it's because of his past. The school dance is coming up I wonder who Kane is going with I said in my mind as Kane walks by. "Hi Kane." I said and he looked back at me. "Hey Gnome boy." He said he kinda made that my nickname for me but I'm ok with it. "So are you going to the dance coming up?" I asked him. "Nah dances are for wimps plus I have no reason to go." He said and I was curious. "What do you mean?" I asked and he sighed. "I've got no friends to hang out with because their still in jail, I don't have a date and why do you care?" He said and I blushed a bit. "O...oh no r..reason." I said and he looked at me funny. "Oh does Mr. Gnome have a crush on a bad boy?" Oh crap he knows doesn't he? "I d...don't kn...know what y..your talking ab..ab...about." I said and my blush gets darker and he gives me one of his sexy smirks. "Oh I think you do gnome boy." He said and gets real close to my face my face getting darker by the second. "" Kane puts his finger on my lips to silence me his smirk widen. "Your too obvious you know that don't you?" He said to me and I look away. "Hey don't be ashamed of being gay, I'm not." He said and I looked at him and he chuckles. "Well it looks like I just found my date to the dance eh?" He said to me and my heart started to race at the fact that he just asked me to the dance in his own special way. "Yes I would love to!" I said and he chuckles again. "Well I better start looking for an outfit to wear eh?" I blushed as he started to walk way and I grabbed his hand forgetting that I should never grab his hand from behind he turns and punches me in the face. "Oh sorry gnome boy, natural reaction." He said and helped me up and I smiled at him. "It's ok I mean you did worn me before hand to never grab your hand from behind my fault because I forgot." He relaxed a bit. "I was wondering if you would like to go shopping for clothes together?" I asked and he frowned. "I don't think that's a good idea Yugi with my bad reputation it could ruin yours." He said and I looked him straight in the eye. "I don't care I think it will be fun." I tell him and he shrugs. "Whatever what time?" He asked me and I smiled at him. "How about after school?" He shrugged again and walked off. "Yes!"
{after school} [Kane's POV]
Well I'm going shopping with gnome boy hope his bro don't mind but if he does I'm pretty sure I can kick his ¥€%#. "Kane!" I hear the gnome say look at him and he's all smiles as always. "Ready?" He asked and I shrugged while he giggled cute. We walked for a while and I see that he is taking me to a fancy store that I had held up once and he walked right in, but came back out when he noticed I was still out side. "What's wrong?" He asked me and I looked at him. "I can't go in there." I tell him he tilts his head. "Why not?" He asked. "I held it up once got caught and now I can't go in or I go back to jail for another three years. And I think that would mess with our plans for the dance don't you think." I said and he nodded. "Oh I guess that would ok how about you choose the store since I don't know which stores your band from." He said and I shake my head. "The only stores I'm aloud in are where all the criminals shop in and that would put you in danger so how about you shop here and just show me thought the window if you want to." I tell him and he shakes his head. "No I want to be with you the whole time." He said. "But Yugi my stores are too dangerous." I said and he puff out his chest and looked me. "Read my lips. I. Don't. Care. I. Am. Coming. With. You. Got. It." Yugi said with a lot of sass. I like it. "Ok but you need to stick with me ok." I tell him. "Yay!" He said and hugs me and I stifled up. We walk to the bad side of town and went shopping in The Death Dragon my favorite store. "Wow this is a fancy store?" Yugi said and I nod. "For this part of town it is." I say and look at all the leather, fur, and punk and gothic fashion clothing. "Well shall we?" I said and Yugi linked his arm with mine and we walked to the punk fashion side first. "Oooo look at that tuxedo it's got skulls on it, oh look at that one a spider tie, wow I like that black and grey checkers one." He said as exited as a kid in a candy store and I smirk. "Dang look at the prices how can you afford this stuff?" Yugi said and I look at him. "Well we make deals or make a trade." I tell him and he nods. "But you can also pay for it?" He asks and I nod. "Oooooo look at that one." He said and grabbed a dragon style tux and looked for something. "What are you looking for?" I asked him and looked at me. "A dressing

Love in Domino city {Yugioh Where stories live. Discover now