He is My Soulmate?

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When Jimin was 5. His mom told him that every person has a soulmate.

"You may know who it is once you've initially put physical contact with them." She said patting Jimin's head. Smiling softly.

When she told him that, Jimin knew he wanted to meet them already.. He couldn't wait to grow up. He couldn't wait to feel what is like to meet his own soulmate. He thought it cheesily.

But when Jimin met him, it was an absolute disaster.


"Hey! Taetaeeee~ I'm so bored." Jimin said clinging to his bestfriend who is a few inches taller than him. Placing his chin against his broad shoulder. His lower lip a bit popping out that makes him look like he's pouting.

"You wanna go to the malls?" Tae asked slightly glancing at Jimin. The older's face lit up as he nodded continuosly.

"Fine then go change. You smell filthy." Taehyung joked as he pushed Jimin lightly. The older smiled and hurried to his room to shower. After showering, he dried his pink hair and put it up showing his forehead. Putting on an oversized sweater and ripped jeans matched with his brown timberlands. He looked at the mirror again examining his face and if he looks good. Once contented, he smiles and went to the living room.

"Taetaee, do I look good?" He asked. Tae looks at him and smiles. "Of course you look fabulous." He said while standing up. "You ready?" Tae said as he went to the door.

Jimin followed Tae to his car and sat at the passenger's seat. Tae started the engine and went on their way.

"Hoe I wish I could meet my soulmate already!!" Jimin whined looking at his phone scrolling through social media, that is full of "soulmates" shit.

"Bro I am your soulmate you little bitch." Tae said glancing at Jimin. "Bitch I wish you were but sadly that ain't the thing. You're only my bestfriend." Jimin said rolling his eyes. "Yeah suree. Pretty sure my soulmate is much more hotter than you." Tae laughed. Focusing on the road.

Jimin scoffed and shook his head. "No fucking way. No one is hotter than me!" Jimin half-screamed while laughing.

"Funny I was born..." Taehyung said smirking at the small lad. He could hear the older talking some nonsense about how he is much cuter and hotter than anyone else, even him.

They both arrived the mall for about 30 minutes of driving.

They were both looking around, you know? Doing crazy stuff. Until they both decided to do what they've always do whenever they are outside. They would always try to go and look for cute guys and actually try to talk to them.

Imagine that'll be so embarrassing but they would always do it anyway.

They were buying ice cream when they saw a guy near the stand. He was tall, waaayy taller than Jimin. He was cute and handsome though. So there's where they started their so-called journey.

"Uhm hello there." Jimin say trying to look cute but overly handsome at the same time.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The guy ask as he smiled. Jimin's takes some time to answer as he examines some of the boy's features.

'He is cute, but meh, not my type.' Jimin says in his mind. Mentally shooking his head to get rid of the thoughts.

Jimin reached offering his hand for a shake. "I'm Jimin." He smiled. Waiting if the guy would fall for his charms. He knew he did when he saw the other's cheek tint of pinkish pale. Casually trying to look around... or away.

He was My Soulmate? || MYG & PJM 「OneShot」Where stories live. Discover now