So What if I Slept With Your Mother! I'm Still Your Gay Best Friend! - Two

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This Chapter is in "Ashlyn's P.O.V"


Chapter 2

Ashlyn's P.O.V

The spring morning sun shone through my bedroom window and casted upon both mine and Tyler's sleeping forms. I could feel my sleepy eyes fighting against my will to open them. Although, it really wasn't much of a surprise seeing as both Tyler and I stayed up half the night crying to each other. My eyes were so puffed out they looked like dang mushrooms.

Tyler groaned quietly before rolling over to his side. "Good mornin' sunshine, how are you feeling today?" I asked him quietly while pulling myself up into a sitting position.

"Stupid." He said with a raspy voice before stretching his arms out on my bed and then yawning.

"What?" I tilted my head at him, "why do you feel stupid?"

"Because if I was smart I wouldn't have slept over last night." He let out a heavy breath before pulling himself up against my head board, positioning himself to sit right beside me. "God, I hope your Mom is not awake yet. I honestly do not want to see her right now...I just feel so-"

"I know Ty...I know." I cut him off before wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a tight hug.

Suddenly there was a light knock on my bedroom door. I rolled my eyes before jumping out of bed and quickly scurrying over to it. My black Pajama pants that had the words "I ♥ Vampires" all over them dragged on the floor. One large disadvantage of being so short was never being able to find pants that actually fit me. Maybe if my Mom wasn't so busy spending all her money on alcohol then maybe I could have had some of my clothes tailored, it wasn't like she didn't have the money for it.

I pulled open my bedroom door to find my brother Spencer leaning up against the doorframe. He looked past me as his eyes fell on Tyler who was still sitting on my bed, "Well, if it isn't the mother fucker himself, I can't believe you have the nerve to stick around here after what you did last night!"

"Spencer!" I yelled out, and shoved him in the chest. He barely moved an inch but I managed to get his attention. "You don't know what the hell you're talking about, so screw off!"

"Ash, are you honestly going to defend him! You told me what you saw-"

"And obviously I had the wrong impression. Just leave it alone, Spence, forget about it.

I was wrong okay?"

He was just about to open his mouth again when suddenly my Mother's voice echoed through the hallways. "Spencer, Ashlyn!" she yelled out before adding in a much more alluring voice, "Tylerrrrrr!" I rolled my eyes angrily. "Come eat breakfast...I cooked!"

"Oh god..." Both Spencer and I mumbled in unison before looking up at each other with wide eyes.

"Maybe I'll just go home..." Tyler said quietly while rummaging through my dresser and pulling out a pair of my ACDC pajama pants. He pulled them on over his pink briefs before heading toward my bedroom window.

"Oh, no you don't!" I called out while chasing after him and grabbing onto the collar of his t-shirt. "You are not going to make me go in there by myself, your coming..." I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Seriously Ty, she made breakfast which means she's wasted...Please, come?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2010 ⏰

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