The Airport

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The airport was hectic. The people were hectic. The plane ride was the only slightly relaxing thing about the trip so far. At least he had Marcel sitting right beside him. David couldn't lie, he was really nervous a out the whole trip. The plane was going to land in any minute, David tapped on his arm rest and looked past Marcel to the window. He could see the island already and it was coming up quickly.

"Dude, calm down. It will be fine." Marcel said as he shut off his phone. David just sighed and nodded as he leaned back into the seat. The flight will be over and they will meet their friends and head to the resort.

The plane landed with ease and the passengers were coming out of the gate. There were groups of people everywhere, getting luggage, going to their gates, on and off planes. David couldn't help but look at everyone as the walked passed him. Marcel on the other hand, had his face in his phone trying to multitask between telling his girlfriend he made it and tracking down the rest of the guys.

"Okay, Brock said that he, Lui, Jon, and Evan are at the food court and Tyler and Craig's plane landed just five minutes ago and they are also on their way to the food court." Marcel said looking up from his phone. David nodded and the two walked over to the luggage belt to pick their things up then head to the rest of the crew.

~At the food court~

"Geez, took you two long enough" Tyler remarked while he snarfed down his pack of airplane peanuts as Nogla and Marcel made their way to the rest of the group. "Well we couldn't help the slow ass conveyor belt with everyone and their grandma's waiting in front of us!" Marcel sassed back at Tyler. Tyler began to bitch back but he choked on super salty peanut dust from his snack, causing all the guys to laugh at big bad Tyler's misfortune.

"Alriiiiight! No more bickering!" Evan said as he stood up from his seat by Jonathan "So that's everyone right? No one died?" Evan chuckled at his dad joke as he counted his crew just to make sure. Everyone stood up and made sure that they had all of their things. The boys where all together and ready for the resort.

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