Love's Twisted Revenge

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Valerie pov

Chapter 1

First day of my Junior year of high school. What will it be like? Are the teachers nice or mean? I just moved here, and I don't know anyone! Great way to start the school year!

"Get out bitch!" My stepmother Karen screams. I snap back into reality, climbing out of the car, and make my way to the front doors of Crescent Moon High School. Students are walking from everywhere, hands full of school supplies. I walk in and see a hallway full of black lockers. The schools colors are black an silver, but so far I haven't seen any silver and it's making this school gothic looking. I push my way through the herds of students. I need to find the office. I see a group of girls standing by a locker. I tap the girls shoulder and they snap their heads toward my direction. Creepy.....

"Hello, my name is Valerie Nelson, and I'm new here. Could you please tell me where the office is?" She touches up her hair. Great, I probably talked to the popular girls. Should of tried finding it myself.

"I'm Zoey Peyton everyone knows that. Rules at being at my school. I always run for homecoming queen, and second I'm always the head of the student council. Along being the captain of the cheerleading squad and volleyball team. I always come first, imbeciles like you and everyone else will always let me go first understood. Oh and office is down the hall." She flips her hair as she spins on her heel.

"Thanks and by the way, you can't have first at everything. Go around with that attitude and you'll be just a lonely lower class girl who likes to play decorating cake on her face." All her friends turn and gasp at me and I cross my arms as Zoey turns around to face me.

"Hey geek, I'm pretty your not! Stop trying to make yourself feel better by insulting the Zoey Peyton. I've got natural beauty. You've got natural ugliness." All her friends let out the fake giggles and I roll my eyes.

"Bitch, I could wipe 99% of your beauty off with a Kleenex." Zoey looks pissed, as her and her slutty friends walk away, their heels clicking against the floor.

"Wow, I've never seen someone stand up to principals daughter like that before." A girl whispers behind me. Wait Principals Daughter!!!! Just Great!!!!! Smooth Valerie. I snap back into the girls conversation with me, but only catch the last word of what she had said.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you, what did you say?" I turn to face a pretty girl. Her long brown hair in loose curls hung perfectly around her shoulders, she has soft brown eyes with brown freckles on her cheeks.

"It's okay, I'm Amelia Torres and it's nice to meet you." Amelia? Hmmm pretty name fits her.

"Hi, I'm Valerie Nelson, and could you please show me to the office. I'm afraid Zoey the bitch gave me wrong directions." She smiles showing her dimples and grabs my hand. We dodge students from left to right, and stop in front of a door.

"Thank you, Amelia."

"I'll help you find your classes don't worry. I'll stay right here." I smile and walk in. The office smells like cheep cinnamon, and a old lady sits behind the desk.

"May I help you?" The old lady croaks looking up from her desk. I step closer to the desk.

"I'm Valerie Nelson, new student and I need my schedule please. Thank you." She spins in her chair, checking a file cabinet behind her. She pulls out a schedule and hands into me. I rush out of the office before the principle comes out and I don't know yells at me or something like that. Amelia leans against a wall talking to a guy. His shaggy brown hair, daring to cover his eyes, he has dark jeans with a tight fitting blue shirt. Amelia squeals when she sees me.

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