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After the I met all the boys we were playing Mario kart 8. "Jungkook stop throwing bananas at me!" Taehyung yelled as he got hit with another banana. I covered my ears from the yelling. Jungkook laughed and continued to piss of taehyung.

I played silently as everyone argued and laughed with each other. I felt as if I was invading their space. They were all friends before I came and I'm some stranger coming into their personal space I made the number in the house un-even. I don't belong here. They are all famous and make lots of money while I'm just here.

"Yoongi what's wrong?" I was pulled out of my thoughts as Jimin snapped his fingers in my face. "Oh, I'm fine Jimin I just don't wanna play anymore." I lied. I still wanted to play, but I just felt strange. "You sure Yoongi? You were looked so excited to play when Seokjin hyung suggested it." Jungkook asked. I nodded. "I'm cold and I don't feel like playing anymore." I hoped they believed me.

"C'mere", Jungkook laid down on the couch and laid me on top of him. Not gonna lie he was warm and I was extremely comfortable. He played Mario Kart with everyone else as I laid on top of him. I watched them quietly.

time skip

It was now about 5:30 and we all were still sat in the living room, bored out of our minds. "What are we gonna do?" Taehyung asked loudly as he laid his head on Jimin's lap. I shrugged. "We could go to the mall. Jungkook you said you wanted some new timberlands." Hobi hyung suggested. We all agreed.

"We're going to the mall! We're going to the mall! We're going to the mall!" Jimin and Taehyung chanted. "You both won't be going anywhere if you don't stop yelling." They immediately shut up as Jin hyung scolded them. "Go put on some shoes before we leave you here." They took off up the stairs. I giggled at how quickly ran up the stairs.

"That also includes you Yoongi." I than realized that I was only in knee high socks. I blushed and went up to my room. I walked into the shoe closet. Please be in my size. I searched through the pairs of shoes trying to find some that matched my outfit. I picked out a pair of heel boots that were luckily my size.

I lanced them up and walked out of the room. I was met by a laughing Taehyung followed by a angry Jimin. "Taehyung!" Jimin yelled out as tae had ran down the stairs. "Jimin what happened?" I was kinda scared as Jimin looked scary when he was mad. "Taehyung took something out of my room." He stomped back to his room.

I walked down stairs. Maybe I can get back whatever Taehyug took from Jiminie. "Taetae what did you take from Jimin hyung? He seemed very upset by whatever you took. You should give it back to him." Taehyung looked at me before shaking his head. "Please?" I made puppy dog eyes hoping he would give it back.

"Fine but only because you are the cutest thing alive." I stood there looking like an idiot as he went to give Jimin his stuff back. First Jin calls me adorable than Taehyung calls me cute what more can I get from them. "Let's go!" Jin hyung yelled.

I ran to the door not wanting to get left behind while Jimin and Taehyung were coming down the stairs behind me. They were best friends again. I smiled and happily bounced out the house. "I call sitting by Yoongi!" Jungkook shouted grabbing me and pulling me to the car. "That's no fair! Let Yoongi decide who he wants to sit next to." Hoseok pouted.

"How about I sit in the middle of you two. Since its clear that Seokjin hyung will be drving and Namjoon hyung will be in the passgers seat and its obvious tae and Jimin will sit together so I'll sit in the middle of you two so no fights and you both get to sit next to me." I suggested.

They stared at each other for a while before agreeing. He all got in the car. Sitting in the middle of Hoseok and Jungkook was actually quiet fun. It was fun to watch as Jungkook would flick Hoseok's head when he wasn't looking and blame it on Jimin or Taehyung. I let out a few giggles giving away that it was Jungkook who was flicking him.

Hoseok playfully hit Jungkook telling him to respect his elders.


So this story will be completely edited. I didn't realize it was this bad.

Wc: 794


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