Commenting Rules/Allegiances

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I do read every comment and actively moderate the comments section. Just because you do not see my response to every comment does not mean I can't see when you're violating commenting rules I have put in place. Please, to help me and to help other users enjoy this story, follow these guidelines and read through these disclaimers.


Please DO NOT use my original characters/clans/concepts in any of your Warriors fics. (This does not include warriors cats/clans with the same names. I understand coincidences happen.) I work hard on my novels, and it is upsetting to witness a circumstance where the author feels they need to "borrow" ideas/characters from me because they're not creative enough. Simply stated, the Warriors world is big and complex enough for an author to be able to create their own characters/clans/plot. This has become quite a big problem the past few years which is why I will no longer tolerate any form of plagiarism of my work.

Wattpad has a list of copyright rules which I expect my readers to follow by. Wattpad defines copyright as:

-Posting the copyrighted works of others without their legal consent

-Posting on behalf of an author and giving credit to them. This is still a violation of copyright and will be treated the same way. CONSENT is ALWAYS required from the author.

-Adaptations or slight alterations to a work, such as changing names, copying the events and writing them in your own words, changing character point of views, are a violation of copyright.

The last two have most commonly applied to this work. Please remember CONSENT. I personally DO NOT allow any copying of my work in any way, shape, or form. (Yes, that includes writing fanfiction of this work if that was not made clear.)


--Please keep your comments polite and respectful, especially when interacting with other users.

--Criticism is, as always, allowed and encouraged but please be polite about it.

--This novel is rated PG-13 and is specifically marked in the Young Adult (13-18) section. Users under 13, please do not read/interact with this story! This fanfic is specifically rated PG-13 for violence, gore, and dark and depressing themes. For users on this site who are under 13, you are not supposed to even have an account on this site, and so I ask those of you who are under 13 to please wait until you are old enough to read this story. I had an EIGHT year old comment on this story recently, and I unfortunately had to report the user for being underage in that circumstance. I will not hesitate to report in similar circumstances. Please, if you're going to lie about your age, respect the ratings that I have put in place for your wellbeing.

--Please REFRAIN from continually correcting typos and grammatical errors. Unless the error severely limits your understand of the story, I will not be taking immediate action to fix these typos.

--Please do not give me major suggestions on how to improve the story, such as "It might be cool if you changed this or added this." This story is now many years old. What I have written is written. I will not be going back and editing this story besides fixing small spelling/grammar errors.

--Please avoid writing comments about the unrealistic nature of this story, such as "cats can't cry" or "cats can't blush." What you are reading is a work of fanfic of the Warrior Cats series. Any story with talking cats is not going to be realistic.

--Do NOT post spoilers in the comments section. Please, for the sake of first time readers, do not spoil any part of this book in the comments prior to it happening. If you desperately want to learn a spoiler from another user, please DM that user privately.

--Do NOT advertise your own stories on this work. Advertising your own works is rude and disrespectful to me, personally, who has put a lot of time and effort into this novel. There are many other ways to get your works noticed on Wattpad without feeling the need to take advantage of another user's success. Please check out this article from Wattpad for more ways to promote your work if you are struggling:

--Do not post SPAM or LINKS on this work. Users will automatically be reported. Spam includes EXCESSIVE commenting (for example, writing 10+ comments on one chapter).

--Any offensive/rude/or spam-related comments or users will be reported to Wattpad.

Anyone ignoring these rules will be muted and lose commenting privileges. I am too tired to individually reply to each of you asking you to stop breaking rules when I see it happen nowadays. If you break a rule, you're muted. I'm sorry, but if you have the patience to read this 50 chapter novel then you can at least look through the commenting rules beforehand.


Author's Note:

I've altered BloodClan a bit in this novel. I decided to make BloodClan an ancient clan that has been in the forest for many years until Scourge came and infested it with rogues and other fierce cats, thus making it even more vicious. Obviously this isn't a true replica to BloodClan in the books, so I ask you respect that. The book is rated PG-13 for frequent dark, violent, and depressing scenes.



(Only the ones mentioned in the book)


Leader- Shadowstar: black tabby tom

Deputy- Whiteclaw- white tabby tom with green eyes. Mate: Snowfeather

Medicine Cat- Hawkfur-brown tabby tom with blue eyes

~Apprentice- Tinypaw: tiny gray tabby she-cat


Featherlily- white she-cat

Redpool-ginger tom. Mate: Briarstorm.

Briarstorm- black she-cat. Covered in scars. Mate: Redpool


Lightpaw: light ginger she-cat

Hailpaw: white tom

Rainpaw: white and gray tabby tom


Snowfeather- beautiful white she-cat with bright blue eyes. Mate: Whiteclaw. Mother to Icekit, Flightkit, and Snowkit

Heatherwing: Scarred brown tabby she-cat. Mate: ? Mother to Poppykit and Strikekit


Poppykit: brown tabby she-cat

Strikekit: black and white tom

Snowkit: small white she-cat with bright blue eyes

Icekit: white she-cat with blue eyes

Flightkit: large white tom with green eyes


None Mentioned


Oceankit: gray tabby she-cat

Wavekit: gray tabby she-cat

Bear- brown tom


Stonecloud- white she-cat with green eyes

Silverwhisker- gray tabby she-cat

Lightningstar- ginger tabby tom

Pouncestar- gray tabby she-cat

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