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3rd Person POV

Sebastian silently left the room when he was sure that Ciel was asleep that night. He walked down the grand staircase nodding to Tanaka in acknowledgment before he b-lined for the study. He knocked softly on the door almost positive that the older Phantomhive would have a gun stowed away in his desk just like his son.

"Come in," Vincent's voice disrupted the still quietness that was the estate causing the android to almost flinch before he opened the door. He shut the door behind him with an almost soundless click and slowly approached the large mahogany desk.

The navy haired man was leaned back in his large chair. He had a tumbler of scotch in one hand and a small stack of paper in the other. He looked up at the robot and chuckled bringing the rim of the glass to his lips with a smirk, "I predicted you would come to me eventually".

The butler remained silent. His maroon eyes bore into his creator's looking for some rope to grasp onto. Looking for something to tell him why the boy would not confide in him. Looking for a way to understand the things that he felt.

The man turned a picture on his desk to face Sebastian. A cerulean ocean of an eye stared back at him from the frame. Cold indifference printed across the exposed half of Ciel's face. Long hair falling around him without a braid or his signature high tails.

"He is a mystery, an enigma if you will," Vincent's honeycomb eyes twinkled with mischief, "It makes you tick that you can't figure him out, it confuses you that he will not confide in you".

"He says that he is a bad person," the plastic man's voice came out only slightly above a whisper.

"He has done bad things, yes," the blue haired man agreed finally taking some of the amber alcohol into his mouth.

"He will not tell me what those things are," the android admitted. His eyes turned down to his shoes and the halo on his temple flashes red for half a second.

Vincent sighed deeply, "When Ciel was five years old he and his mother were kidnapped. His mother was murdered within the first few days and he was left to be tortured until he was able to make his escape," the man's rich ambrosia eyes came up to meet the glossy rubies of the robots as he let out a dark laugh, "When he had fully recovered; Ciel tracked down every member of that cult, tortured them, and then killed them".

Sebastian's gloved hand came up to cover his mouth. Knees weak, he stumbled backwards grabbing onto a chair for balance. His scarlet eyes brimmed with man made tears. The sensor on his temple rapidly flashed red. The mere thought of Ciel having to face that all alone made him want to scream.

The man behind the desk took another swallow of his drink as he watched the butler dry his eyes, "What will you do now, Sebastian? Now that you know his dirty secret".

The butler looked up at him so fast he could have gotten whiplash if he were human. He recalled the way that Ciel woke up in the mornings with his stress high as a kite and tears in his eyes. He remembered the serene smile that graced the young man's face while he drank his morning tea or ate sweets while he read. He could almost see the look of fierce concentration that his blue eye held as he cleaned his weapons.

"I have to go to him," Sebastian murmured.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Vincent's chuckle echoed through the room like the dark tones of a pipe organ in an empty manor.

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