Can be read from the bottom up

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You have lost
We want it
We can't deal with it
Why is it pressured by the world
If only harm is done after
Why not bite on it
Till blood no longer flows out
Pain, pain
More pain
No wonder lies gets more credit
We settle for what makes pain less
Painless heart feels light
Heavy heart of truth weighs too much
Tear drop
Tear drop
Tears drop
I cry in pretence, and tell the world
I cry in pain, and silence it in my heart
Smoothly I truth the knife into his heart
Painfully he strikes back with nails of lies
Apology sir
I know,no better
Sorry sir
I speak of my pain alone.
Away with my truth
I will cover your wounds with lies
I will make you smile with lies
Don't request my truth
For the knife I hold grows
Inch by inch
With every letter my lie holds.
You have won

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