Gen 1

49 2 11

PrefixSuffix = Warrior Name Layout


Prefix: Favorite Color
Red - Flame
Orange - Ginger
Yellow - Wasp
Green - Branch
Sea Green or Blue Green - Pond
Blue - Storm
Purple - Beetle
Pink - Rose
Black - Night
Grey - Shadow
White - Light
Brown - Bird
Peach - Poppy


Suffix: Favorite Weather
Sunny - scorch
Cloudy - sky
Rainy - pool
Thunderstorm - strike
Tornado - breeze
Tsunami - splash
Fog - mist
Snow - storm
Hail - frost


My name would be Stormsky because I like blue and cloudy weather.

If you want, comment what name you got and if you like it. If you don't, I'm sorry and hope you'll like any other names you generate (if you continue through this book).

Warrior Cats Name GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now