Chapter 7

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Sitting quietly on the floor with the coffee table at eye level, my pointers and notes are all splayed out on the table, mixing with his. Apparently, the case files Chief Paddington passed to Agent Danvers were the other half of the more recently murdered victims where if he had not disappeared before I even got to 'hello' then it would have saved me the trouble of reprinting everything else from the database.

And well...our introductions didn't go as friendliy as I would have wanted it to go.

"Seeing as we are to live together, I suggest we keep this accommodation situation between us," he starts, picking up one of my notes, scrutinising it.

"Alright, it's not like I want to parade that I'm living with you. However, what do you have to say for yourself Agent Dancers for literally running off this morning?" I fairly on the edge of losing my sanity right now. "As my partner, a 'hi' would have been much preferred over you running out on me."

"Let me get this straight, Parker," he growls, splaying his hand on the papers in front of us. "I work alone. I don't know why the chief partnered you with me but whatever the case is don't get in my way and I won't get in yours. Understood?"

Oh so he's that kind...Well, it's not like I'll be a nuisance!

I am about to rebuke him when my cell phone blares out the opening line of 'Pocket full of sunshine' by Natasha Bedingfield. Fishing the phone out of my bag, I slide to receive the call.

Listening to Chief Paddington curtly informs me of the second murder of the week, giving me an address, he finishes off by telling me that he'll call Agent Danvers to meet me at the address and that he's sorry for giving me a partner like him.

Oh much for sleep.

Jumping up with my bag, I scoop all my case notes and files back into the bag, not answering Agent Danvers' questioning gaze as I rush out of our apartment just as his phone rings.

Throwing my bag into the passenger seat of my car, I have just about put in the address into my GPS when the door to the driver's seat is yanked open by Agent Danvers.

"Move over," He orders, moving to get into my car.

Puzzled and irritated, I move to the passenger seat to avoid him sitting on me, with my bag on my lap, Agent Danvers settles into the driver's seat.

"Excuse me, Mr I-work-alone-stay-out-of-my-way," I snap as he pulls out of my parking space onto the street. "This is my car."

"Well as of today this our car," he responds indifferent to my irritated tone. "I'll pay for the share of gas."

I am about to retort that he should take his own car when it hits me. He doesn't have a car.

"Take the bus for all I care, douchebag," I mumble as I settle into my seat, pulling the seatbelt over my body.

"What was that Parker?" He challenges me though I'm pretty sure he heard me.

Smirking to myself, I respond as sweetly as I can, "Nothing, Agent Danvers."


It's now three in the morning, and here I am dressed in sweats, an old t-shirt and running shoes outside 114 Jubilee street, my arms crossed over my chest as I listen to the on scene cop who explains what he had seen.

While Agent Danvers dressed in his casual black office shirt with jeans and running shoes just went into the house to take a look at the crime scene before forensics comes to, in his words, 'mess the place up'.

"The killer was a woman, shoulder lengthed blonde, heart-shaped face," The officer who happened to be patrolling the area had actually caught a glimpse of our assailant which in my point of view now gives us a lead. "She has a large forehead, sharp nose, deep-set brown eyes and she has a fuller upper lip than the lower lip. She could be around five five to five six."

Beside me, the sketch artist is furiously drawing out according to the officer's description and when he's satisfied with his work, the artist hands the drawing to me. Nodding, I thank the trembling officer for his help, with the drawing in hand, I head into the pretty, family looking, two storey house where a forensics officer is taking pictures of blood splatters on the walls in the front hallway.

There is clear evidence of a struggle which is not surprising but in my mind, I can just see our victim, a faceless shadow to me running around this house trying to get away from our killer, the screams of help and the pleads for mercy makes the hair on the back of my arms stand.


Walking into the living room where the body lies under a blood-stained white cloth, various forensic officers dust the nearby household objects for fingerprints or blood stains as they try to find the murder weapon.

Crouched by what I think is the head of the body, Agent Danvers quickly re-covers the body as I stop just behind him. Turning around, I push the sketch into his chest, moving past him to look at the body. Grasping the edge of the cloth that he just covered back, I pull it back slowly and almost immediately, I recoil back in shock, bumping into Agent Danvers.

Our victim looks exactly like the sketch!

"Twins?" Agent Danvers offers questioningly, looking between my face and the body. "Let's get to headquarters to get a background on her, Parker. Maybe it was a family feud. Get the pathologist to get me the autopsy report. I need the cause of death."

Way to order others around, Douchebag Danvers...

Literally dragging me out of the crime scene, pushing me into the passenger seat of my car, I glare at him as he drives out. Crossing my arms, I stare out of the window ignoring the tense silence between us.

"I'll wake you up when we reach headquarters," He offers, glancing to me as the traffic light turns red. "As a rookie, I'm sure you're not used to night calls."

Rolling my eyes, I mumble to myself, "Oh, I'm used to late nights but what I'm not used to is a man bossing me around especially since he's been missing since the start of the assignment. At least, I was able to find the assholes in the academy but you just up and disappeared without a trace, to make it even better you end up being my roommate!"

Before he can reply however his phone rings, passing it to me to answer, I reluctantly stab the answer button, placing the call on loudspeaker. Turning the car into Orchard road, the voice on the phone speaks bluntly.

"Jack, I've got you your cause of death and victim's name," The man snaps irritatedly from being awoken this late in the night. "Cardiac arrest, like all the rest. Not only that, there are no fingerprints on the body, sure she's got the bruises and a few parts of herself that are missing but other than that it's just like all the rest. No fingerprints. Her name is Olivia Nelson."

"Thanks, Barney," Agent Danvers starts as he turns he corner that'll take us to the headquarters. "Anything on twins of any of our victims?"

"None," The man, Barney, who's on the phone replies. "Siblings some but none of them have a twin. You sure your guy saw it right?"

"Pretty sure," he replies, parking the car just on the kerb. "Listen, I've got to go so send me a file on what we know about their families. Find out who our victims last contacted and if any of them have any connections to crime syndicates."

"As bossy as ever, Jack," Barney grumbles and in the background I hear furious typing. "I'm on it. You owe me one. Do you have any idea how little sleep I've gotten  since Angela gave birth?"

"I appreciate your hard work," Agent Danvers chuckles sarcastically. "Get to it."

Shocked that he's so rude to a new Father, I manage to say my piece just before he cuts off the call.

"Thanks, Mr Barney," I call out in gratitude.

"Jack is that a woman—"

The line is dead as Agent Danvers flares at me from his seat next to me. Forcing my lips to spread out into a quick smile, I reach to leave the car after I've taken off my seat belt.

"You should thank those who help you without that sarcasm," I huff as I leave my vehicle, slamming my door before he can even say anything back.

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