Sexy Nurse

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Osomatsu pulled one leg up onto the couch to rest his chin on. He put his other leg on the couch, but with his knee down, his other foot by his shin. He put his feet on the floor and put his hands in his lap. He started drumming them against his thighs. His throat was going dry from how many times he swallowed. He moved to the other end of the couch, crouching on his feet. He sprawled over the cushions, and rolled onto the floor. Luckily it made no noise.

He sat up and leaned back against the couch, his legs stretched out. Then criss cross applesauce. Then tucked to his chest with his hands on his ankles, then tapping against his knees rapidly.

He slapped his knees and stood, pacing the room. He assumed the classic anime elbows-up pose, letting out the quietest sigh he could manage.

While he had only been waiting for a few minutes, he could only imagine how long this would take.

He knew that if Choromatsu heard his obvious impatience, he'd either 1) take as long as possible, 2)yell at him and call it off, 3&4) either of the aforementioned, 5)purposely make this whole shebang unpleasant for both parties involved.

Ohhhh he had been looking forward to this. He was not about to risk it just because of his juvenile impatience. He could hold out. He could. Even though honestly... Ahhh, just imagining what was awaiting him was making him start to get excited.

As in.



He was about to be sporting a massive boner is what I'm saying.

Anemoneway ((sorry, I just enjoy fish puns, that isn't story-relevant)), he was in the bedroom, taking various placements, positions, and impatient behavioural traits. He had been waiting for this for sooooo long, like, six whole days!

Well, what harm could ruminating on this particular memory train possibly cause? Besides a neglected dick so hard it could shatter diamond, considering one of the rules was he couldn't touch himself (in that way you dumb shitty eldest, I don't care if you itch your arm, go a-fucking-head. Wha- I mean... If you have to scratch your ass, whatever I don't care. UGH! You're so gross, just!.. Just. Unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, do not touch yourself), and he had developed quite the imagination growing up. Well. In regards to this sort of thing.

Fine, I'll tell you.

See, he and Choromatsu had this bet, right? About Ichimatsu and Karamatsu.

While all the sextuplets could practically feel the sweat generated by the obvious sexual tension that neither the second nor fourth son were willing to be the first to admit to, they all did their best to pretend it wasn't a thing. The sexual tension between Osomatsu and Choromatsu was, while significantly lesser than that of Iromatsu, still present. No one saw reason to voice anemonefin ((fish puns notsorry)) aboat((sue me)) it. This duo didn't have one of them constantly trying to maim the other. That was only on occasion with them.

So Sokudomatsu made a bet. When the two finally were caught in a position(exact wording made this possible) where one was top, one was bottom, which would it be.

Osomatsu voted Karamatsu, because Ichimatsu's younger. Choromatsu voted Ichimatsu, because Karamatsu's a timid pushover. Totty voted "I care more about the colour of Shia LaBeouf's first shit than this", and Jyushimatsu voted YAKYUU and made Todomatsu accompany him when he left less than half a second later.

You cannot imagine the glee, the satisfaction, the 'I wish I wasn't actually privy to this information regardless of it being a misunderstanding I still wish I hadn't seen that', and pure, raw, elation that Osomatsu felt when he stumbled upon the two in question, in a *Position, wherein *Karamatsu was on *Top of an *Ichimatsu, who was on *Bottom.

Sexy Nurse {OsoChoro}Where stories live. Discover now