Chapter 10

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"AAAAHHH" Connor screams as he rolls around on the forest floor in pain. He continues screaming as he watches his fingernails turn into claws and canines potrude from his mouth. He hears faint voices in the distance but before they get close he takes off running toward them his vision red. He sees them and a clearing and everything in him wants to rip them apart but he doesn't. He falls to his knees screaming in pain as he shuts his eyes and starts breathing heavily. "Connor!" Someone yells as he feels someone wrap there arms around him trying to stop his screaming. "No stop get away from me!" He yells at them but it comes out more like a growl. He starts shaking from the pain and from trying his best not to hurt whoever it was. He turns and looks at them to see Stiles, Scott, Allison, and a frightened Lydia. His vision turns red again before he starts crying as he feels the urge start to overwhelm him. "Please...leave..." he manages to say between pants. He can feel his claws digging into his skin as he clenches his fists trying to stay in control. He shuts his eyes again but opens them when he feels them still there. "What's happening to me?" He asks. Scott goes to walk forward but Connor growls and Stiles holds him back. "It hurts make it stop make it stop make it-" he trys to say but let's out a loud roar before falling to the ground unconscious. The four run to him and Scott calls Deaton. "Hey we have a problem. A big one." He says before helping them lift Connor up and bring him to Stiles jeep.

"He appears to be perfectly fine other than the fact that he just turned into a werewolf. I would say he is completely void of any physical injury." Deaton says looking at the boy on the metal table in the animal clinic. Scott looks at Stiles before asking "How did we not notice this!?" Stiles looks down at Connor for a second before saying "Notice what Scott?! He's been here for a week for Christ's sake!" Lydia grabs a hold of Stiles's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down but he just shakes her off anger evident on his face. "It's not your fault it's neither of yours so quit beating yourselves up over this ok he's going to be fine." Allison spoke up her voice laced with confidence that she didn't know she could possess in a time like this. She looked at Lydia who was looking down at Connor with tears brimming in her eyes. "He didn't deserve to get thrown into this so soon." Lydia muttered but everyone seemed to hear her clearly. "It doesn't appear that he'll wake up soon so I suggest you all go home and get some sleep. I'll call you when he wakes." Deaton spoke noticing the worry, anxiety, and fear that filled the room suffocatingly. Lydia grabbed Connors hand and squeezed it to show that she was there even if he was unconscious and couldn't possibly feel it she had to and in doing that small act she seemed to find comfort with the warmth of his larger hand. "I'm staying." Lydia spoke. It wasn't a question or a demand it was a statement. The way it was spoken with such authority and confidence dared someone to oppose it but no one did. After a minute of silence Scott spoke "Okay call us if anything happens." "I'm not leaving either." Stiles said but his statement was proved invalid when Scott and Allison dragged him out leaving Lydia alone with Connor while Deaton left to attend to something. She sighed and pulled a chair up next to Connor still holding his hands as she stared at his bare torso. Damn she thought he's hot but it's going to weird when he wakes up. So she adverted her eyes and just stared at their hands that were intertwined and she could have swore she felt Connor squeeze her hand slightly.

Connor woke with his head pounding and he back stiff as he surveyed his surroundings. He was at the animal clinic he remembered what it looked like from the many times he had come to visit Scott with stiles while the boy worked. He looked around when he heard soft breathing and realized that someone was holding his hand. He turned his head slightly to see Lydia asleep with their hands intertwined and some of her hair fawning over her beautiful face. He sat there for a minute just admiring what he could only call the 'Sleeping Beauty' before realization dawned on him. The events of last night started playing through his mind and he could feel himself panicking slightly. His hands started to get clammy as the panic increased once he realized just what he had become. Lydia noticed and woke up immediately seeing the boy shaking in slight terror. She said his name but he didn't hear her still in a slight daze. He started struggling trying so desperately to breathe. He was having a panic attack. Lydia noticed and Immediately grabbed his face with her hands turning him to look at her. "Connor you need to calm down and breathe ok focus on me my voice anything." She said soothingly but it wasn't working if anything he seemed to be getting worse. In a split second decision Lydia crashed her lips on to his and he finally snapped out of his daze and realized what was happening as Sparks flew between the two. She pulled away hesitantly and looked at him with wide eyes. "It worked on thank God." She said observing his now Immenesly calmer features. She smiled slightly but was kinda disappointed. He needed her help yes but she felt as though if he had a choice he wouldn't have wanted her to kiss him at all. It made her so frustrated. 'Im so stupid omg can't believe I thought I could just go around kissing random people and have them want to kiss me back god your so stupid Lydia!'
"Your many things Ariel but you never will be stupid." Connor spoke for the first time. Shock spread across Lydia's face as she realized that what she had thought she actually said. She cringed slightly and looked up at him with a small smile. He hopped off the table and stood a few feet away from her. "I happen to know your the smartest person in BHHS." He said taking a step toward her. "Your smart," Step. "Caring," Step. "Beautiful," Step. "And above all surprisingly badass." She laughed slightly at the end as he took another step their faces just inches apart. Her breath hitched in her throat as he looked down at her lips and she looked at his. His lips brushed against his before he said "Who wouldn't want to kiss you back?" And with that he kissed her slow and passionate and his hands wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to him and her hands found their way into his hair. They kissed for what felt like hours but was mere minutes before they heard someone walk in. "Lydia I brought you some food and some for Connor when he wakes up I hope you don't mi—" they stopped kissing and turned to see Scott, Allison, Stiles, and Isaac gawking at them. Connor felt his cheeks flush and he was sure Lydia's were too before Stiles spoke up. "Connor do you ever have on a fucking shirt for the love of god! Put one on we have stuff to talk about." Scott picked up a shirt and threw it at him as the sat down Lydia still holding his hand but he didn't mind. It was going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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