The Beast

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Little child from the garden wall

Stay away from the woods

Whispers and songs chant for you to come

Closer and closer to the mouth of the beast

Deeper into the woods you go

Claws of malice reaching to you

Little child get away

Run, run away

Run from the the beast lurking in the dark

Hide from the shadows creeping up to your feet

Get away from the claws snatching at your arms

Run now, hurry up, lose chase, get away

Get back up my child, don't lose sight

Keep your chin up, don't weep a single tear

The more you wail, the faster it will find you

It's coming closer child, listen to my pleas

Don't let it take you away

Run now, hurry up, lose chase, get away

Run, run away

Run from the the beast lurking in the shadows

Hide from the shadows creeping up to your feet

Get away from the claws snatching at your arms

Run now, hurry up, lose chase, get away

Run to the top of the hill, where the light never stops shining

My child, you're free for now

Enjoy the days that you have now

But be aware that the monster is still there

In the back of your mind it resides

Restrained in the chains of thought

But how long 'til the chains shatter?

Stay strong child, look at me, you're almost there

Only I know the weight you are bearing

It's crushing you day by day

So keep your heart locked to keep the monster at bay

One wrong move and it will break its way free

To drag your body back into the shadows

You're more than just a vessel 

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