When I Look At You (1D fanfic)

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New Fanfiction! <3

~ ohecgirl


     I look at myself in the long mirror. My shoulder lengh brunette hair is up in a messy bun. My grayish eyes reflect the light. I look at my black tank top that looks great with my ripped jean shorts.

"Jessica!"  I quickly look around to find that it's just Helen,  my manager and mom. 

"Sorry Mum, I was kind of spacing out." I say sheepishly. Mum laughs.

"That's fine. We are opening now so a warning." Mum smiles. 

   "KK" I tell her. I look around. Ya my mom manages Abercrombie. Not every store just this one at the mall in London. Mum manages alot of stores here. I just work here for her. Im one of those peole eho help you find stuff and I also work the cash regester.

" Jess! Put on the music" Mom yells. I skip to the back of the store and slide into one of the doors. I click play on the my Mac laptop that is hocked up to the speekers off the store. Want U Back by Cher Lloyd comes on. I love her. She has such a cool style and a great voice.

"Hey, Boy ya never had much game. Thought I need to upgrade so I went and walk away, way,  way." I sing and skip out into the main part of the store. I dance around as I flood some new clothes. 


     It's now around 11:45 and Im still dancing and sing to any song that comes on. People search around for close we'll I look like on idiot. Too bad it's fun! A boy with dark brown curls walks into the store.

" Hi! Do you need help finding anything?" I ask him. He looks over at me. Im still dancing like an idiot. He laughs.

" Um, maybe." He smiles. What Makes You Beautiful just cames to the break down. I look at the boy. Then I realize. 

"Your..." I start to say but he covers my mouth with his hand. Oh no he didn't! I don't care who he is, I bite his hand. 

" Ahhh! That hurt." He says shaking his hand. I drag him into the back room. I look at my computer screen the back at the boy. 

"Your Harry Styles" I say pointing to the picture on the screen. He nodds his head.

"And you are......" He says oviously wanting to know my name.

"Jess" I say.

"Want an autograph?" He asks.


"Okay do you have a..... wait did you say know?'" he asks surprised.

" I said Na. autographs are weird." I say. Harry just looks at me surprised. Then he smiled weirdly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

" Just thinking. Do you have a lunch break?" He smile. He is creeping me out!

" Ya in 5 minutes." I say cautiously.

"Well do ya wana come to luch with me and some of my friends." 

"Um, Okay!" Okay so he said friends and he's a dude so I'm guessing they are guys. And if they are friends with Harry they should be good looking! We step out of the "music room".

"What where you doing" My mom says wiggling her eyebrows.

" I don't even know him!" I yell at her.

"Are you....safe?" she asks.

"MOM!" I scream.

"Okay sorry just checking. No need to be so rawry!" She mocks.

"Bye mom I'm going to lunch." I exclaim running out the door.

"Just lunch?" she  asks layghing.

"BLAHHHH" I scream running away with a laughing Harry following me.  We run around the mall like idiots.

"Joe! How are yopu haven't seen you sence middle school!" I say to some random old man. He shakes his head and mutters "Carzy kids" the hobbles away. Harry and I burst out laughing. I take out my lovely iPhone 4s. Thank you mommy! Best Birthday present ever! I start to video Harry doing ellen's dance dare behind some fake blonde sluts. So funny! Can you believe we only left the store 5 minutes ago! 

"Okay time for lunch!" Harry says patting his stomach then mine.

"Wooow your solid!" He exclaims.

" You thought I was a gas! I don't smell that bad!" I say in mock horror. The look on Harry's face was priceless! This was going to be heck of a day!


Hope ya'll like the first chappie! It's short don't be mad!

~ ohecgirl

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