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"You look awful today"
"You can't do that"
"You're so stupid. What do you think you're doing?"
"I don't think that you'll do anything with your life"
"What? You thought you look good? Hell no!"
A lot of tears are coming from my eyes. You're probably wondering who said that to me. Well it was me. I told theese things to myself. And I cried a lot.

I can almost see the person inside my head being  disappointed with my life. But the only thing it's doing is stopping me. That isn't fair. I have to live my own life as I want and be beautiful and smart and the type of person who can handle everything. Just as all of you right there. You're great ❤. But my inside voice just reminds me what society says. You have to be slim and with a lots of make up or you're ugly. But that's not true. I actually look great. You do too. Everyone does. Everyone is unique just the was he is. We're  all perfect but some affected people make us think that we're awful. That's not true.

So when someone retarded tell you that you're ugly or fat or stupid just show you how beautiful middle finger you have.

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