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Have you ever wanted to dissapear? Just pack your things and go? That's how I feel every day of my life.

"Morning Momma." I smiled at the picture of Mom in her wedding dress. Her long hair blowing in the wind, smiling so big it almost looks like it hurt. I loved that smile. Her pretty green eyes always sparkled when she smiled. She was so beautiful. Everyone always said so.

"Dee! Get your ass downstairs and help Elena make breakfast!" Dad called from downstairs. I always did everything I could to avoid both of them.

"Yeah okay!" I shouted back. As I got out of bed, I hit my hip on the bedside table. "SHIT!" It was right on the bruise.


"Well, well, look who finally decided to come downstairs and help me." El said sarcastically.

"I was only 5 minutes getting down here."

"Don't backtalk! You can start on the eggs and toast."

"Someone's bitchy this morning." I muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I smirked and walked over to turn on the stove.


"Momma, please just hang in there a little longer! We're almost there!" I called into the backseat.

She moaned in response, clutching her head. Tears started streaming down her face. I had never been more scared in my life. Momma had been sick for a while, and she rarely ever went to the hospital unless it was really bad. She was a fighter.

"Momma just a few more miles. You're gonna be okay, I promise."

She turned her head to look at me in the rear view. She managed to smile softly before wincing in pain.

We finally got to town. As we approached a red light, my brakes failed. It was busy out now. 'Oh shit. We're gonna die. Peice of shit car!'

"SHIT!... SHIT!" The last thing I remember is screaming and wrestling with the brakes while tears streamed down my face.  I took one last look in the rear view at Momma. I saw her mouth 'I love you'. I will never forget the look she had in her eyes.


"Aren't you gonna eat?" Elena asked.

"Not hungry. I have to get to work anyways."

"You'd better eat something."

"I said no, GOD DAMMIT!" I slammed my fist on the table and stood up. She just stood in the middle of the kitchen staring at me. I could see a bit of sympathy in her eyes.

"I may not be your mother, but I will not tolerate you talking to me that way, Dalton." she said calmly.

"Sorry." I grunted as I stormed out of the house.


The November air was chilly, but I never really seemed to mind anymore. I pulled out the box of cigarettes from the pocket of my leather jacket and lit one. I picked up the habit of smoking shortly after Momma.

I miss her so much. She should be here instead of El. Momma never bitched at me for not doing my chores. She gave me freedom. She was the one who bought me my guitar. I haven't touched it since the accident. Part of me wants to get back into playing it, but every time I go near it, the tears start falling down my cheeks.

Will this pain ever end? If I really am here for a purpose like Momma said, then what is it? I need to know, because I honestly don't know how much longer I can hold on.



Hey guys! what do you think so far? I'm trying to be as detailed as I can without being confusing or giving away too much at the beginning. Please comment what you think!(:

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