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Day three:

Danny held his bleeding leg to his chest. He gritted his teeth and looked at the guys in white agent in front of him.

"You don't feel pain, your a freak." Danny looked away quickly as tears filled his eyes.

"I'm half human you know." Danny lifted his head.

"You are such a fucking liar." The agent growled.

"But I'm not lying. I'm right here in front of you! My family-"

"Oh right we should make plans to arrest the rest of your family. Aiding and-"

"Leave my family alone!" Danny cried.

"Why should we?" The agent asked. Danny looked at the agent and he let his eyes flash a toxic green before going back to his normal blue.

"You touch them, you'll regret it." Danny growled darkly.

"Like I'm so scared of the boy who's afraid of his own mother." The agent said with a laugh. Danny stared at him.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Danny asked.

"Your own family hunts ghost! Your mother ran you out of the house! We have been watching you Fentons and to watch you run out crying well that made our day! When our ectoguns picked up ghost signature coming from near amity and we followed it we definitely didn't expect to find you!" He chuckled. "We didn't capture you by accident child."

"You've been watching us?" Danny asked. The agent nodded.

"Yes." The agent leaned down so he was in Danny's face. "Now sleep tight little freak." Danny was about to respond but the agent stuck something into his neck and Danny screamed as he fell down in shock. His eyes started to close and he felt tears fill his eyes.

"P-Please let me go home..." Danny whimpered.

"Stupid kid, wanting his mommy?" The agent kicked Danny and Dannys eyes closed. Danny wanted to go home.


"He really was hurt-"

"That stupid agent! Danny's only a kid!" Jazz cried.

"Jazz this isn't your fault." Maddie said. Maddie looked at her feet. "I did this I got so angry with him and chased him out of the house."

"They were watching our house? They threatened to hurt us! Of course Danny would let them treat him like that!" Jack cried.

"Stop blaming yourselves! Danny wouldn't want that! We've been searching for the answer to his sickness and we haven't found it yet!" Paulina cried. "W-We have to keep watching." Everyone nodded sadly.

"Lets go then." Maddie said.

"Alright time to find why we really came here."

Day four:

Danny woke up and tried lifting himself up to his knees but he fell right back down on his stomach. He moaned in pain and flipped over so he was on his back. He looked over towards the doorway of his cell and didn't see any light. It must be late at night or early in the morning. He sighed and twirled the ring on his finger.

"If I could give up my powers I would." Danny mumbled. "They've been such a pain." Danny sighed and attempted lifting himself up and this time he succeeded. He leaned against the wall.

"Danny?" Someone stepped into the room and Danny jumped.

"W-who are you?" Danny asked.

"Someone who shouldn't be here." She stepped into the room, long black hair cascading down her back and her purple eyes watching Danny. She carried weapons attached to her sides.


"You know me in this time, but I don't have much time to check on you..." she looked him over.

"Wait a minute...S-Sam?" Danny asked shocked. Sam nodded her head.

"I didn't know back then that you were missing cuz of them but I know now...someone altered the future and I wanted to see what the Hell caused it to change." Sam looked around the cell. "I know that its hard to hold on but I'm sure you'll get out of here." She smile and leaned forward kissing his cheek. "Just promise me that you'll never change?"

"Promise Sam." Danny said with a smile.

"Oh and Danny, dont tell anyone about me." She winked.

"I understand why." He chuckled. She flicked his head.

"Don't flirt with me." She started walking away. "Just get out safe. You'll figure out how I know you will." Sam disappeared as a guys in white agent entered the cell and threw a tray of food down carelessly.

"Enjoy supper you filthy piece of gutter trash." He walked out.

"She's even prettier in the future." Danny laughed. He was going to make it out of here. For Sam.


"He met me from the future?" Sam gasped.

"You have long hair?" Tucker asked. "And you looked all bad ass!"

"Guys, let's just focus on the fact that that Sam had given him hope, just when he was about to lose it."

"Let's move to day five..." jazz looked away as tears flowed down her cheeks. "I hope because of that visit from Sam he's grown more confident in his escape."

"Girl it took him days to master a plan of escape after Sam visited him, I think he's going to be fine." Valerie said. Sam chuckled and twirled the ring on her finger that matched the one Danny wore, and Tucker as well. Their bond was strong enough to pull him out of his funk huh? Tucker Twirled his ring and smiled over at Sam.

"Love breaks all types of things huh?" He winked. Sam smacked his arm.

"Tucker now is not the time!" Sam blushed.

"Its true and you know it." Tucker stuck out his tongue. Sam looked over at everyone else and nodded her head as they entered day five. They were getting Danny back one way or another. Whoever poisoned him was going to pay. No matter how many rules she had to break.

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