..The Beginning..

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"Wake up! Wake up!" The gruff voice of the Captain echoed within the walls of the deck "Wake up! You useless bunch of fools!" Quickly all the sailors jumped up because they knew what came next was a cold splash with a touch of salt water.
Yes this was the Captain on a very normal day. All the sailors stood at attention and watched in fear the Captain as he inspected each of them with a very stern eye, the type a viper looks at it prey before striking. The Captain expected perfection, although he was two flights and one train away from it. When he was at the end of the cabin all the sailors shouted "good morning sir Captain Jacksaw", he smiled briefly as one would after waiting to watch their best part in a TV commercial.
"Good morning to you too miserable bunch of cowards. As you all know we are setting out to the Nirvirna using my dear lovely Mona Loa." He paused scrutinising the faces of all the sailors. He continued " As you all know, that the Asreal sea leads to rivers of Nirvirna." At the mention of this most of the sailors started to quiver, but the rest showed a sign of fear. All except one. The captain shouted "who is brave enough to join me on this conquest?" Although their answer wouldn't even matter because they were not given a choice  because of their pledged loyalty to him it was just a way of making the sailors feel a sense of importance. After a few minutes of silence, a voice so smooth as a sea shell picked by the river bank, so clear like the waters of the purest sea, and as comforting as a mothers embrace answered "I am." All the sailors turned their heads looking for the person who was so confident, so confident that he was willing to venture into waters that even the devil avoided. The captain smiled and made a gesture that implied that the person should come to him. On so doing, a tall, muscular, well tanned man came out of the midst of sailors. He had a shoulder-length hair. His hair appeared as though it was woven from wet velvet. His hair was black at the root and grey at the tip. He was shirtless. This view gave the Captain a view of his chest and Abs. From his neck to his left arm down to the left side of his abdomen, there were tattoos, masterly drawn that it was as if Neptune himself had carved it onto his skin. Among the tattoos was the drawing of the rune of The ancient Vikings. The compass of Vigvisir.
As the mysterious man appeared before the Captain, everyone started to murmur amongst . He finally got to the side of the Captain but rather than saluting and standing at attention just as it was  expected for all sailors to do, he knelt with one knee and bowed down to the Captain and said "you asked for me Captain" The Captain nodded while taking note of the tattoos that also continued on his back. "What is your name brave one?" the Captain asked. "Vigvisir". Replied the brave one. "Why do you want to readily embark on this journey with me?" Continued the Captain. The thought of that night, his last night with Naomi. The screams and the unexpected....
Just as a wilted rose,
He lived a life he never chose,
He rued the day the sun set and never rose,
Hell is empty and all its denizens are here,
She screamed my name but couldn't hear,
That night she came out dancing amongst my fears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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