We Need To Leave

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Elliot//After a heated night of sex and sweat we both fell into a deep sleep. My body ached for the hours we continued and the rounds we've both finished in hard pleasure.

I woke, Sunnys head and hand on my chest as if he was trying to hold me down or to let me know i wasnt leaving without him knowing. Hes so precious when he sleeps. Mouth slightly parted no cute snoring to be heard and body curled against mine. I couldn't wake him but I knew we'd have to leave as fast as possible. We werent running from anything except the fact we knew no one would accept us.

Elliot:"baby wake up we have to start packing." I said in a soft tone hoping he'd hear me.

Sunny:"but ... one more hour.." he grunts but I'll let him sleep more.

He held onto me tighter for his now second round of sleeping. I held him close. Smelling his hair and keeping his scent in my memory. I can't help myself. I've been in love but this was something that was different. I dont know how to describe it. Its like telling a colored blind person how orange and green look.
(No offense to anyone who is colored blind. I am as well and those two colors are hard for me to see.)
The possible ache in my heart has to be him consuming my life. I dont mind it. I cant possibly stop it. Not that i want to anyway.

Two hours has passed. One more hour that I promised then another one. He finally begins to wake. He nuzzles me letting me pick him up and head to the shower. I strip him down as he rubs his tiredness off his eyes and stretches his weakness away. I smile watching him.
I begin to strip turning on the hot water for us both to wake up to.

Elliot:"come on baby i know you're tired" i say as i begin helping him into the shower.

We get in both letting the hot water fill the air and touch our bodies shivering from the warmth. It feels good. Its getting hotter now and he curls up besides me. I hold him and begin washing him. First his face and behind the ears and down his body. He enjoys it. Not in a sexual way but just enjoys the feeling of being cared for. Its my turn to wash up.

Sunny//ugh he made me wake up so early. I hurt. But its a good hurt. I think... Elliot is amazing. I forgot why he wants us to get up so early. Maybe he forgot to tell me?

He carries me to the bathroom. Showertime! Best time of the morning. He strips us both down. Hes amazing. Hes like a love story come true, hes like not feeling the blues.. for once. He helps me in the shower obviously knowing im not even half awake. The warm shower relaxes me even more but is helping me wake up.

He washes me like im his little baby. I adore it. It feels nice to have someone love you as much as he does me. I watch him wash up almost like hes in a movie showing off his abs and biceps. I hug his body as he goes to wash his hair.

I hold onto him. The waters hot. In a way it helped me wake up fully. Im obsessed. Id do anything for him. Id kiss the bottom of his shoes and shine them with my tongue if i had to. Its not weird its the feeling of love.. i think.

We get out the shower and dry off and get dressed. Yeah nothing fun in hurrying up a morning. Well maybe to get to the night for the better fun. He makes us breakfast as he tells me to brush my teeth and brush my hair.

Finishings has came and i went down for breakfast. On the table he had his passports and ID and two plane tickets? Wheres he going? Whys he leaving? I starred and started to cry. I looked up at him and ran out the door.

Silly me i ran out the door into my house and cried on my bed. I heard him run after me and call out my name but i didnt bother to care. I was hurt. Not hurt by him leaving but what the tickets said. One-Way. Perth, Australia. May 17th 7:00 P.M. That jerk how could he leave me when i thought we were something.

Knock! Knock! Knock! On my bedroom door. (Lol dont sing.)
Sunny:"go away! Youre such a prick!" I knew those words hurt him but he hurt me more.

Elliot:"please let me explain."

Sunny:"no youre an asshole!"

I heard my door open and shut. A dip into my bed a few moments later. A rub on my back as i was crying. I shouldve pushed his hands away but i didnt have the strength to do it.

Elliot:"i know youre upset but i need you to listen. The tickets you seen on my table we're for us. I wanted to run away with you. I shouldve told you earlier. I had a friend drop off the tickets last night and i was trying to find a way to surprise you. If you dont want to g-" i stopped him.

I sat up and kissed him deeply. My sadness has now turned into something else. Im not sure what yet. I feel stupid for running away like that. Again.. hes here and im glad i let him explain. Im also glad we'll be leaving this country to return to a new life.

Sunny:"thank you, and im sorry"

LMK WHAT YOU GUYS THINK!!! I thought this one was going to be a start of a new book but we'll see where the second book comes in. Or maybe wrap it all up in the last chapter. It only took me an hour to write this lol it usually only takes me a few weeks. Enjoy!!

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