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Hannah and I have had this horse for years. ol' blue jeans has been there for everything, even my raging hormones. One early morning after beating my 9 inch cock my dad Billy came into my room screaming "WHAT THE FUCK JACKSON STEWART GET DOWNSTAIRS AND TAKE YOUR SHITTY UNDERWEAR WITH YOU TO THE WASH" I nodded in response to his harsh threat and grabbed my skid marked undies. When I arrived downstairs my asshole father was there to great me with a friendly "fuck, I shoulda used a condom" ugh he's so sweet sometimes! I grabbed some expired moldy bacon out of the fridge and slammed it on the counter screaming to Hannah "WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE DAMN BACON IN THE SUN FOR TWELVE HOURS YOU DUMB SLUT" however, she didn't hear me over the sound of her boyfriend ramming her insides. ugh so relatable! After eating my raw bacon I remembered it was my favourite time of day. I get to feed my beloved Blue Jeans. When i got to the stable she was there to greet me like every morning. Her mane was really naughty just like the thoughts running through my head. "good ol' baby Blue Jeans" I smacked her dumb thicc ass as I moaned thinking of her slobbery vagigi hadid (pussayyyy) She knocked me into the ground with her powerful hoof. My cock twitched in response. "ooou baby blue" I screamed and quickly got behind her positioning myself at her thicc bumhole. "mmmm" I moaned As I rammed the shit out of her loose poop hole. After I released my PHAT nut I heard Hannah coming into the stable with her boyfriend. I pulled my penis out of Blue Jean and hid behind a stack of hay in the corner. Shittt I left my undies on the floor. "Why are your pubes orange if your hair is blonde?" Hannah asked Jake As I heard them coming down the hall. They stopped at Blue Jeans stall and glanced at my shit stained underwear. "Fuck the homeless asshole must be fucking a Blue Jeans again" they laughed as they looked at her tender bum that looked like a bloody raisin, She queefed and cum squirted all over Jake. "that sick homeless bastard is definitely fuckin Blue Jeans again"😒 said Hannah. "We'll get that asshole next time baby gorl" ;) Then they returned back to Hannah's room for round 2. I quickly grabbed my tighties from the ground not saying anything to Blue Jeans as I left the stables, I knew she would understand. I returned with a satisfied cock and no questions asked. Ahhhh gotta love Miami.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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